UC housing

Was surprised that UC Davis basically kicks everyone out after their Freshman year. Is this common at all UC campuses?

2nd year housing is not guaranteed at many of the UC campuses and most are based on first come/lottery. You can still get 2nd year housing at UC Davis if room is available and you apply early. Since the costs off campus are more reasonable than on-campus, most students prefer to move after Freshman year. UCD has a great bus system along with the bike mentality so it is easy to commute from an off-campus house or apartment.

yes, that is pretty typical of CA Public colleges.

I think UCLA goes up to 3 years, but it seems to me most everyone wants to move out of their dorm after their freshman year, in general. Unless they want to be an RA.

It varies based on the individual campus. It use to be 2 years guaranteed when I attended Davis. It should still be cheaper to live off campus in Davis if that’s any consolation. My son said UCLA guarantees 3 years, but the 3rd year may not be on the hill, but rather in campus affiliated housing.

This varies based on the campus. Most garuntee more than one year. I’ll least each campus with their housing garuntee.
UCSB: 4 years
UCLA: 3 years
UCI, UCSD, UCSC, UCR: 2 years
UCM, UCB, UCD: 1 year