UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Thank you! We were really surprised by it.

I don’t think you can say it’s over. Nursing has tge very unique and demanding criteria. Your daughter is still young and she will pursue it.
Best wishes.

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Daughter waitlisted for Computer Science.

UW: 3.95
UC Weighted Capped: 4.28
UC Weighted Uncapped: 4.64

Congrats to all who were admitted and good luck to all waitlisted kids!

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Do i need to write a letter or just wait until to get off from waitlist?

The opposite here - D accepted to UCI but WL at UCLA and UCSD.

I’m wondering about this also. Can’t find any info. on their website about when financial aid comes out. Anyone know?

DD finally checked her e-mail. Accepted at both UCI & UCSD.

OOS, 3.9/4.3, Undecided


UCI does not consider LOCI’s. Opt into the waitlist and move on. They will notify you if you are admitted.


My son’s OOS high school had 23 student admitted last year, but this year only a handful. S 3.9 UW waitlisted. Every student was rejected from UCLA! Other local students had similar results. It seems much more competitive for OOS.

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It is too early to know the exact numbers for admissions from your school. There are likely students who were admitted that he hasn’t spoken to.

You might look at the data for your school here: Admissions by source school | University of California

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What should my D to do now? She got into UCSD and waitlist UCI. Should she commit UCSD first and wait for the UCI if pass May 1? I heard students get in from waitlist cannot get into the major, is that ture?

It is tough OOS and IS. My daughter was waitlisted at UCLA Bioengineering. 4.74 unweighted, 4.0 weighted. Natl Merit Scholar finalist. Great tech resume. 4 year orchestra and track (4 yr letter). Not sure what else she could do to get into an in state public school.

Happily, UCI was her 2nd choice after Stanford, and she got into UCI Bioengineering with a Regents Scholarship. D got into 5 of the 7 she applied to, with Stanford tbd and UCLA wl.

Mom is a UCLA grad, so she wanted D to go there.


She needs to commit to a school by the May 1 Sir deadline. You also have to opt into the waitlist by the UCI deadline if she is interested in attending. Waitlist activity can happen prior to May 1 but there is no guarantee.

You will have to put down a deposit at UCSD and if she is admitted off the UCI waitlist, then you lose that deposit if she decides to accept the waitlist admit offer at UCI.

Since UCI did not post their CDS for 2021, there is no waitlist data to compare. Many of the UC’s saw little waitlist activity last year, so my advice when it comes to waitlisted students is get excited about your acceptances and move on.


Thanks. What about if it is true to get into major after admitted from waitlist?

With UCI, since they admit into the University first then into the major, there are 3 possible scenarios from the waitlist. Admitted into 1st choice major, admitted into alternate major (if listed on the application) or Undeclared. There is really no way to predict but if it is an impacted/competitive major, then alternate or Undeclared are more likely.


D has been accepted at UC Davis and UC Irvine but rejected at her top choice (UCLA). She doesn’t know anything about UCI and doesn’t even want to visit due to a perception that it’s “not fun and not much of a campus” (we have never visited other than for club soccer games!). Trying to coax her into checking it out. Any insight into campus life at UCI? We live in LA and she just keeps saying: “Dad, I am NOT going to college in Irvine!”. I don’t know what’s wrong with Irvine / Newport Beach, obviously its a beautiful area. Do they have an active Greek life at UCI with traditional frat parties, etc.?

@Gumbymom, I now fully get it! DD OOS was accepted to UC Davis and then UC Irvine but rejected at UCLA! The UCs definitely act and select independent of one another! There is are no “Cookie Cutter” selection/decision approaches here!!!


You might create a separate thread of UCD vs UCI and share more about what she is looking for (ex. frat parties). They are two very different schools with very different styles and communities.

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Thank you so much for your info.

He can easily transfer in to MAE my son did that.

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