UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Public Health

UC capped GPA
Unweighted 3.85

10AP and national scholar of distinction
Extra curriculars: biology research) , VP in clubs, several volunteer activities, science Olympiad life science award winner for SoCal region and competed at state level. Led choir team And awarded best choir in SoCal

D is now waitlisted at 3UCs UCSC UCI and UCSD

Accepted at SLO and SDSU

She liked both UCI and UCSD

Any suggestions?

Opt into the waitlists and then focus on her acceptances. What did she like about UCI and UCSD? SDSU might be a better option since it has some similarities especially location to UCSD.


I don’t know about changing from undeclared but I know a first year UCI student currently and she changed major from public health to biomedical engineering soon after acceptance and had no issue.


Does anyone overall UCI acceptance for Fall 22?

Not all decisions have been released so there will probably no stats until then.

Thank you, that makes sense… I was trying to get a rough number of applications just like UCLA reported 149k and Berkeley reported 129k and roughly how many were admitted in first round. Thank you

She liked their campus and academics. UCSD especially is strong in bio and public health

Here are the 2022 application numbers. I thought the UC’s only posted their Freshman class target #, not the # they admitted for this year yet.


Thank you so much for sharing, these numbers are indeed mind boggling :frowning:

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Anyone accepted into business school at UCI or have general info on program, environment, etc ?

So, we OOS (Out of State) applicants had a 12.0077204% chance of getting accepted to UC Irvine (or Less if you chose a popular major)!


S22 waitlisted for CS at UCD, UCI and UCSD. Rejected at UCLA, SJSU. Admitted to UCR data-science (2nd choice). Awaiting cal-poly, UCSB and UCB. His stats…

CA Resident (bay-area)
Unweighted GPA: 3.92
Weighted GPA: 4.29
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.25

CA schools have not been kind for him.

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Wow, incredible!!! Thanks for sharing

Son W/L for Software Engineering at UCI

Accepted Accepted UCLA CS & UCSD (Muir) and got Regents 5K/20 K total at UCSD.
4.0 No B’s all HS and 4.74 Weighted
8 Ap’s 10th/11th grade year & taking 4 more this year. So 12 total.

CP SLO - Pending
SJSU CS Accepted

Waiting on UCSB & Berkeley EECS & then will make decision between UCSB/ UCB/UCLA/UCSD.


I’m sorry. :cry: CS is an extremely competitive major.

Has anyone ever been admitted into CS from the WL? Or is it pretty much a rejection? :frowning:

I have a similar question. When they say waitlist, is it for the primary major or the second choice major?

@mangobox: The Wait list is for primary major and I have seen admits get into the primary major like CS but it is extremely rare. Majority will be offered alternate or Undeclared.

Does anyone know the expected number of freshman in the B-school for fall 2022? Or roughly what the size was for fall 2021 and if that’s what they are targeting? Thanks

S22 got into ICS undeclared. It appears maintaining a certain gpa and completing some pre-requisites will guarantee the major. Not an easy decision to make as OOS tuition is so very high.

Does anyone know how the internship opportunities are for ICS students? I couldn’t find any data on which companies actively recruit interns/grads from ICS or any data on where UCI grads went after graduation.