UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

For 2021, UCI received 11739 applicants for the Business school. Admitted 1934 and 367 enrolled so a 16.% selectivity rate.


That seems like a really high number of admits from a single school. Our high school (from what we have seen so far from top students) has only had 2 admitted and a handful of students waitlisted at Irvine, including my son. Same with UCLA. The acceptance rates at these schools this year have been much lower from our public high school than in recent years - possibly due to the large increase in applications over the same time period.???


if you look at UC admit by school on UC site, the rate of admission by school has dropped and the number of applicants have increased in last two years reducing the acceptance rate. This is a trend in several schools now.

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My son is a freshman in Business Administration. He’s only had 2 quarters so far so it’s hard to tell yet (one was asych in the fall due to Covid and one was live/in-person for most of this past quarter). He really did like his professors so far. The business school buildings/complex is very nice and has a very professional feel. There are quarterly networking get togethers (my son hasn’t been to one yet but will). They have a great program as far as opportunities to focus on one or two concentrations (ie Marketing and Finance, Marketing and Information Systems, etc). From MY perspective, I’ve been very impressed with how organized the business school is and how accessible advisors are (they provide many different methods to reach an advisor without having to wait weeks/months - Some parents with students in other majors have said their students have had a hard time getting appointments with advisors).


Good to hear!

Rejected. Civil Engineering / Unweighted 3.89 / weighted 4.3
accepted - Cal Poly SLO and UCSD
waitlisted - UCSC and UCD

It seems they have waitlisted a significant number of applications this time at UCI and UCSD. My D checked at her school where last 3 years 32, 37 and 52 were accepted and now everyone she talked to is waitlisted. Even those with higher stats.


UCI had an increase of 11,000+ applicants from last year and UCSD had an increase of around 13,000.

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My daughter received this email today “ You must log into your UC application and add your Social Security Number to your application. Without your SSN, we cannot match your FAFSA application to your UCI financial aid file”. Anyone else had similar issue?

Thank you!

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Hi everyone. Can anyone confirm if they were able to register for a welcome event but was rejected, or the other way around?


Anderson MBA school is top notch so I’m not surprised they have a good funnel and structure for undergrad.

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Yes! Just figured that out today with some calls.

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I think the OP was talking about UCI here. Should be Paul Merage School of Business. Nevertheless your point is still valid.

Hi everyone! I recently got accepted at UCI, waitlisted at UCSD, and rejected from UCLA. I’m waiting on UC Berkeley and USC this week.

My Stats:

3.98 unweighted/4.16 weighted

TWO AP’s my senior year: AP LIT and AP BIO

3 HONORS: Spanish, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calc

SAT: 1420

EC’s: Ted-Ed Club, Dance Club, Feminist Club, Debate, School Of New York Times Program (two years), Department of State Youth Ambassadors Program (exchange), and Yale Young Global Scholars.

I did attend school in Guatemala during my sophomore and junior year of high school (HS)

I also took a gap year after my senior year of HS in 2020.

Hope this helps everyone who feels they don’t have perfect stats, cuz I know for sure I didn’t! The college application process feels like a lottery most of the time. Don’t feel discouraged y’all. We got this!


My bad! I saw reference to ucla in a couple of posts above and I got my UCs confused!

currently debating between bus-admin at UCI Merage vs UCLA Pre-Business Econ. Any thoughts?

You will probably receive better feedback if you start a thread here: College Search & Selection - College Confidential Forums

Is there no admitted students day(s) at UCI? I can’t find anything.

Join us on campus for Celebrate UCI on Saturday, April 16! Enjoy a fun-filled festival in the heart of campus, meet current and new students, take a campus tour, and get to know your new home. Registration coming soon!


My daughter received an email today for New Anteater Reception in NYC for April 2. Since we are in NY/NJ region she prob received invite for this event while others will receive admitted student events in their respective regions!!

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