UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Do you think Irvine will start pulling people off the waitlist this week since it’s May 1 today?


Lets hope


coping hard


Let’s hope :pray: :pray: :pray:


Any movements within the waitlist? Waiting is tough

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Not yet. Hopefully, soon!


Hopefully maybe this week or next :pray::pray::pray::pray:

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im pretty sure davis starts announcing on may 5 so hopefully irvine will be around the same day. good luck to everyone!


do you guys have any information on the appeal situation that’s going on? (when do decisions come out and such not) I appealed my rejection to UCI, but I’m having difficulty looking for past year’s information and guidance. gl, everyone!

What did you guys commit to in the meantime? Are you planning on commiting to irvine if you get off?

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I actually haven’t committed anywhere but I have an ongoing offer at ucr if uci doesn’t notify me by 5/14! I would immediately commit to uci if given the chance🥲

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In the meantime, I committed to UC Davis. Although If I am admitted off the waitlist for UC Irvine then I will 100% cancel my commitment to UC Davis and accept offer at UCI!


Now that its past the SIR deadline, will they start letting people in from the waitlist soon to fill up the spaces of people they gave admissoon but did not accept to?

You have to remember it is not a 1 to 1 relationship since UCI like all other schools admit more students than enroll based on the historical data and yield. If there are more open spots after yesterday, waitlisted applicants should hear shortly.


Thanks gumby

At this point in the waitlist timeline, what is the likelihood of getting off of the waitlist now? Would you say that it is extremely low?

What I do know is that some more people got off waitlist yesterday afternoon

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I did not see any admits for UCI, but UCSB admitted nine students off the waitlist yesterday. Can you confirm it was UCI since I am keeping track for future applicants.

It is uci, I have seen some Chinese students being admitted

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Do you know for which majors?