UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Not me, we in this together


Yes, we are in this together!


You and me, anteatersarethebest, are going to escape the waitlist limbo.

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Yes we will! Let’s keep our heads up! We got this! :slightly_smiling_face:


do you guys think more will be known about waitlist candidates after May 1st

Hoping to hear new before 5/1!!


Most likely. From what I’ve read it may go all the way to July.


Me too!


Yeah, hopefully we hear back from UCI before the SIR deadline but if we have to hear from them after May 1 its still good! Let’s continue to have our heads up and stay strong! We got this!


I hope so too! Ive committed to Davis atm but I want to go to Irvine so bad


Yeah, same for me! I also committed to UC Davis but waiting for the UC Irvine waitlist! It’s local to me and would benefit me so much as I want to continue mentoring and teaching students at my local church as a teacher. I’ve been doing it for 6 years now but want to continue this experience, to help my students throughout there academics because no one wants to volunteer to teach my amazing students. For what major did you apply for?


Irvine I applied for Urban Studies B.A. and Environmental Science and Policy, B.A. Davis I applied for Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning, B.S. and Sustainable Environmental Design, B.S.

Irvine has a more specific program for what I want to do, is in a nice location (near LA, Orange County, the beach, and near Riverside where aome of my friends are going to!) Theres also a bboy club there that I want to join, bboys anonymous, because ive never actually breakdanced with anyone else before in my 1.5 years and it would be such an amazing opportunity for me :sob:. Were both going to make it to Irvine and meet up and eat a ■■■■ ton of sushi or something, count on it!!!


Yeah, same reasons for me! This year was weird but we will get in fs! I applied as a Bio Sci major and yes, we can celebrate by eating a ton of sushi! :joy:


Has anyone ever gotten off the waitlist in the ICS department? I applied as a data science major. Also if the UCs don’t rank their waitlists, how do they choose which individuals they accept despite not being able to give them their first choice major (I.e. being accepted as undeclared off waitlist). Do they still look at gpa or something?


Any updates from the UCI waitlist?

Unfortunately, no. Still waiting


Is it easier for community college students to transfer to the UCs? My daughter’s major is Psychology- 1st choice is UCI, 2nd choice LMU , but $$$. Also, also accepted to Cal Poly Pomona, CSUF and UC MERCED . Of these 3 she liked CSUF the most and has committed. However, we’re still hoping for UCI

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UCI offers TAG so if you meet the requirements: Courses/GPA then you are guaranteed admission from a CA CC.

Data for all Transfers from CA CC’s shows a 19% admit rate for Psychology in 2022 with a GPA admit range (25-75th percentile) of 3.67-39.4. Freshman admit rates for 2022 were 11%.

Here is the UC TAG information: https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/_files/documents/tag-matrix.pdf

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Yes, California community colleges have agreements with certain UC campuses for guaranteed acceptance.

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