UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Here is the link to the appeal process. You need new and compelling information not originally submitted on the UC application. Appeal approvals are rare and you need to show UCI why you are stronger applicant than indicated on your original application.

I personally would move on unless you can show extenuating circumstances such as Medical issues requiring you to remain near family as an example. Neither grades received in the current academic year nor mistakes made on the application are a basis for an appeal or the reversal of a decision.

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I got waitlisted as Biomedical Engineering major. What is usually the chances/history for Biomed Engineering to get accepted through the waitlist?

There is no data on which majors are accepted from the waitlist. It will be based on which major has spots available after the SIR deadline. You can scour last year’s Waitlist discussion and see what majors were pulled from the waitlist but it will vary from year to year.

I searched last year’s discussion thread and saw 1 posted admit for Biomedical Engineering for an OOS applicant.

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do you also have an idea for the chances of Information and Computer Sciences/Undeclared to get accepted from waitlist?

Which majors that are admitted from the waitlist will vary from year to year depending upon how many students enroll by May 1. No way to know and the more competitive the major, the less likely for an admit.

Doesn’t Irvine start accepting waitlist students from April onwards?

No, they usually start admitting after May 1. They purposely under admitted last year since they were over enrolled the year before. As spots opened up Early they pulled from the waitlist early.

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Can you appeal if you are on the waitlist for extenuating circumstances like medical issues? Or is the appeal process only for denials?

No you cannot appeal while on the waitlist.

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This is frustrating. DS was accepted to Cal Poly but needs to accept by May 1st but is waitlisted at both UCI and UCSD. If they don’t reach out before the 1st he will be to commit to Poly even if they come back later and offer him a spot.

That is usually how the waitlist works. You SIR to another school and if admitted off the waitlist, you can accept the new school and lose the deposit or decline. In general, waitlisted students usually do not hear until after May 1.

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Thanks for the quick response. My dtr was waitlisted for nursing and her only options for a direct entry nursing program is pretty much out of state at this point.

Sorry to hear the disappointing news. She can decline the waitlist and then file an appeal but appeals are rarely granted. Extenuating medical circumstances are a very valid basis for an appeal but you take a chance either way.

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Recently got waitlisted at UCI. Can you still send in a LOCI even if it is not required? Is that recommended or is there not much you can do?

No, they will not accept any extra documentation. UC ‘s do not consider an applicants level of interest. If they accepted an LOCI, they would gave required a waitlist statement.

Hello! How are you? I am senior in Southern California! As a student who got waitlisted at UCI for Biological Sciences and is local to UCI, do you think being local gives a more advantage in being accepted?

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If you are posting your real name, you need to change it here:

I will edit out your name on this post until you change your user name.

Also, UC’s do not give preference to local applicants like the Cal States. You can check your HS’s admit information here.

I know that the waitlist is a “pool of highly qualified applicants,” but other than major openings, is there any way that they select who gets off the waitlist? Like if for example, there are 5 physics major opening, and 100 waitlisted for physics, how do they pick which 5 get in out of the 100?

And out of curiosity, how likely would you say it is that they followed the same admission strategy (under admitting and taking from the waitlist) as last year?

Around, how many students enroll to UCI? Like the maximum capacity that admitted students can attend UCI.

UCI had 26,748 Undergrads enrolled for 2022. 5184 Enrolled Freshman last year and their largest Freshman class was 6088 in 2021. What their Freshman class capacity or Total Under grads capacity, I do not know.