UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Thank you for the information! Have a great rest of your day!

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Any idea on how they select people off the waitlist? Is it primarily based off majors or do they just review our application again (GPA, ECs) and choose from there? Or just completely random


UC’s admit off the waitlist based on their institutional needs so no one except admissions knows the particulars. Intended major is definitely a consideration.

Thanks, and considering they don’t take LOCI, is there any other way to possibly increase chances of admittance?

No, you opt in and move on.

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Do you have any data about last years waitlist?

Do you have any data about last years waitlist?

The data is posted on the 1st post of this discussion but I will post it again.

2022 Numbers from the Counselor conference. CDS numbers not posted.
Offers: 23904
Admits: 4818

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on the waitlist: 8765
Number accepting a place on the waitlist: 1288
Number of waitlisted students admitted: 189

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 18621
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 11081
Number of waitlisted students admitted: 2664

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list-17018
Number accepting a place on the waiting list-8608
Number of waitlisted students admitted-1610

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list-12522
Number accepting a place on the waiting list-6428
Number of waitlisted students admitted-136

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The 2022 data is for waitlist at UCI right?

Yes, I could not find the CDS for 2022-23 but the numbers were presented at the UC Counselor conference. Also note, that UCI under admitted last year on purpose and used the waitlist heavily to fill in the gaps.

I see. Do you perhaps know how many applicants accepted their offer in being on the waitlist?

No, that data is missing from the Counselor conference information. If UCI had published their 2022-23 CDS, that information would be there.

Ok. Do you think UCI over-admitted this year?

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No, I think after covid they were being cautious for the 2022 admits so under enrolled. For this year, hopefully they have a better idea of their yield and not be over enrolled.

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Thank you so much for this valuable information! You helped me understand so many things, especially with my anxiety! Again, I am grateful for taking some of your time to answer my questions! Hoping to be accepted to UCI, as I am local and it is my top and dream school! God bless you! :blue_heart::yellow_heart::pray::dove:

Best of luck and hang in there.

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Yes it’s UCI’s waitlist.

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So I know those who are waitlisted often hear back starting may 1, but last year there were waves starting in April. Was that just for 2022 or does UCI usually do this?

UCI was very cautious with their acceptances last year since they did not want to over enroll like previous years, so they under admitted and found spots open prior to the May 1 SIR deadline. They went to their waitlist early. No, this does not happen every year.

How many students applied last year and how many were accepted? How many applied and were accepted this year?