UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Hey all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m currently on the UCI waitlist for Film and Media Studies. I was wondering if there’s a cutoff date for waitlist admissions. I remember reading somewhere that I would know before June 1, but I checked my waitlist letter again and they said I could be notified “late summer” I’m trying my best to avoid any extra fees with the current school I’m committed to, so I was wondering if there was any idea on if I would hear back in time. Good luck to y’all! Hopefully us humanities kiddos start getting word back

There is no specific cutoff date for waitlist admissions and it will vary from year to year plus it can run into August in some cases.

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oh geez, good to know

DD23 got off the waitlist on 5/18, email came in at 4:38. Here’s her stat:

Major: BioSci
GPA (based on GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub)
Unweighted: 3.94
Weighted: 4.42
Weighted and Capped: 4.19
APs: 8
ECs: Fairly strong. 4 years in symphony orch with leadership roles, drone club prez, Stanford summer internship, some community service hours, no job. Just to name a few.
PIQ: Good
Demographics: in state, highly competitive public high school.


How everybody here is dealing with the dorms/housing situation? For the students who cannot commute the dorms/housing is essential. And, in our case, commuting is not feasible.

what do students do if they cannot get out of the dorms WL? Do they rent an apartment and look for roommates? What areas do the students like to live? of course apartments close to campus would be better.
Anyone here has some wisdom to share with me?

They usually get apartment w friends

You will get more answers if you post UCI thread, not WL here…

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Congrats to your Dd! It takes so much persistence and work on the medical school path. Did yours need to take a gap year or enroll in postbac? Our friend did postbac at SF State, but he’s now getting some work experience as medical assistant at a doctor’s office. It seems like even if you try you would need to keep trying if it’s truly your intended calling.

Any chance for a wave on the 25th?




I really hope so!


Gap year to continue to volunteer in a low-income clinic, work, while studying for her admissions test.

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When will the next batch of WL come out?

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Nobody knows, it’s based on pure vibes sadly

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did anyone get any appeal news

Anything today?


I’m guessing another wave is coming by the end of this week or next week as not everybody off WL accepts it. Sometimes students get off from more than one WL, more or less during the same week…



Anything today yet?

Would you please let me know if accept waitinglist from UCI, how to withdraw from another UC campus I commit before ? Can I get deposit and house deposit back?