UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Neither program is better than the other which are both very good options. What is your career goal with a Biology major? This can make a difference on which campus to choose. Also which campus do your prefer to spend your 4 years of Undergrad? Happy students = Successful students so check the curriculum for each school, costs, location and social aspects to help determine your best fit.

Absolutely! Our daughter’s major was “NPB” or Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavioral Health. It tends to gear students towards “pre-med” coursework.

Because Davis is in the middle of farmland, there are a number of community clinics that cater to the medically indigent populations there. Also, the campus lab positions with PI supervisors pay well. You have to interview for those positions but the Davis pre health activities prepare you well.
The Davis Hospital is in Sacramento, but those internships are very competitive. If your focus is microbiology, it might be too specific and lean towards research vs. the “complete” med student focus. Research positions are competitive.
DD got into UCSF, UW, UC (Colorado), USC and UT for med schools.


My friend just got off the waitlist today around 11am

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do you know what major?

Yes I hope we both get in!

Not sure but i’ll ask her later when I see her

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The major was communications!


Proof? Because I don’t think they’ve released at 11am


Do you think it could be from last night but did not check until this morning?


Yea send proof


Maybe different time zones

Actually maybe because my friend said she just refreshed her email during her third period and it popped up in her inbox

I got off the waitlist yesterday afternoon, just committed to UCI for Biological Sciences :ant::fork_and_knife::blue_heart::yellow_heart:

Good luck everyone! Stay strong!!!

If you have any questions or worries please feel free to directly message me! I’d be happy to answer any questions!!! :grin:


That’s amazing, congrats!!


Hey! Does anyone have any insights/guesses into non-STEM major chances (specifically School of Humanities) on the waitlist? It seems like a lot of STEM people have been getting admitted — do you think that means they’ve already admitted as many Humanities/Arts people as they want, or that they haven’t gotten there yet?

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Any movement from mechanical or aerospace engineering?

Got off UCI waitlist this Thursday for Biological Sciences, wanted to make a post as a thanks for having this thread up to help me in the waiting period :slight_smile:

Weighted GPA 3.97
Asian, i like like 30mins away from campus, low income
4 total AP courses (and got a 2 on APUSH lol)
Took 2 CC courses (Anatomy and Physio, then theater)
1370 on SAT


  • 3 years dance team (lieutenant for 1 year)
  • 4 years costume and esports club (president for 2/1 year)
  • 1 year in HOSA in the Medical Innovations team, however the competition was after the application period
  • Human Relations club and hosted school podcast

I definitely think my strength was in extracurriculars and my essays. I might have been admitted for diversity if I hadn’t had my mom looking over my application since I’m trans. But, I’m in the school now!!


Does anyone know if Irvine will take my IGETC as a first year? I heard some universities will only take them from transfers

I would contact UCI and ask. If the classes are UC transferable, then you should get credit.

Hello! Sorry for the late response, I am just in shock and excited! Here are my stats:

Weighted GPA 4.24
Unweighted GPA: 3.85
UC Capped GPA: 4.07
I am Hispanic, I live 30mins away from campus(In-State), low income
6 total AP courses
Took 3 Dual Enrollment courses at Cypress College(Educational Planning, First Responders, and Nutrition)


  • 6 years as a teacher and mentor for Garden of Eden Academy(my local church)
  • 2 years running and working on my nonprofit named Today’s Tomorrow Scholarships Foundation(Partnered with Savanna High School admin and Big Brothers and Big Sisters from Orange County: Vice President)
  • 2 years as intern for North Orange Continuing Education Regional Occupational Program(was a Nursing Assistant and Medical Assistant)
  • Worked at Jack in the Box for 2 months during summer of senior year
  • 1 month conducting cancer clinical research for the Georgetown University Medical Research: Clinical Trials Resulting in Medical Discoveries Program
  • 1 month conducting research for the Rice University Physiology: The Foundations of Medicine Program
  • 1 year as treasurer for both Leo Club and Red Cross; was member for 4 years
  • Participated in the Choir Mount of Olives for 6 years, Choir Conductor and treasurer for 1 year
  • Iglesia Del Buen Pastor Religious Organizational Club; President for 2 years and Advisor and Coordinator for 1 year
  • Was in link crew for 2 years
  • Participated in United Way for 2 years(Volunteered in eMentoring programs, leadership symposiums, etc.)
  • Was part of Key Club, Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica, Future Business Leaders Association, and National Honorary Society for 4 years
  • Was part of AVID, Educational Talent Search(ETS), UCI EAOP for 6 years
  • Was part of Raising Student Voice and Participation for 2 years

Earned over $35,000 in scholarships
Community Service: Had over 2,500 hours

Hope this helps! :slight_smile: