UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

son got off from waitlist yesterday for undeclared major. however, we are not that excited since it’s our intended major is CS…


Congrats! to all who got called from the waiting list. Waiting is not fun.
Did u get accepted in the major you wanted ?

@Paul1990, this is tricky. I think UCI needs to give your son a % of chance for transferring to CS. Then your son can decide to accept or not. good luck.

Me too! Congrats!!

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Yday my son got admitted to UCI he very excited he got into UCSD but he is choosing between the 2 !


Same major?

International studies

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Anyone get in for public health?

Anybody apply for Psych or Undeclared?

i applied for the same things lmao (urban studies as my first choice, though) and i’m still on the wlist

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Good luck you will be getting it soon

Admitted off of waitlist on 4/19 - Undeclared.


Any advise on which is better for Pre med UCI versus UCSD

UCI released 1st Waitlist 19th April’23. One more release will come 24th April’23


Will there be more releases in May? Or are those two rounds it?

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How do you know there will be another waitlist admit release on April 24th?

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I think there will be more. I saw other threads about UCI waitlist and they admit up until beginning of July usually. But there were certain waves in May and June also

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Anyone get off for business?

Did anyone get off the waitlist for Biological Sciences? I really want to attend UCI because it is local to me. I got into UC Davis for Bio Sci but I am more comfortable in attending UCI rather than UCD. :slight_smile:

@Gumbymom I have a question about the FAFSA process after getting accepted off the waitlist, I also understand this isn’t directly related to the thread, I don’t mind moving over to a dm. I turned in my FAFSA form in on time but did not include UCI because I didn’t expect to attend (I changed my mind after being admitted and learning more about the school). I spoke to my counselor and they said just add UCI on the FAFSA form and email admissions saying I submitted a FAFSA for UCI. I’m only really concerned because on their website it says to submit before 3/2, and obviously I’m adding UCI after that date. What do you think?

I would contact the UCI financial aid office on Monday as noted by your counselor and ask since you were admitted off the waitlist, they may extend the submission deadline and also when would your FA package be ready. I am assuming you have until May 1 which might we tight for the FA office.