UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

dang I wish I got that email, I’m counting on uci :pray: Anyone got in as a history major?

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Son also just got off waitlist. We are in state for history.


My daughter just got off waitlist! She’s very excited but got in with undeclared major. Does anyone know how hard it is to transfer into drama major? Thanks for any help and congrats to others who got in today!


Also, we are in-state🙃

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Daughter got off waitlist for undeclared major. She originally applied biology major. Does anyone know why undeclared major is offered instead of her applied major? Would it be difficult to declare a biology major in UCI?


yep, history major and just got the email


Son was accepted off the waitlist today!

GPA: 4.1
Major: Physics:
APs: 9
In-state, not local

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I don’t have first hand experience with changing majors at UCI. I believe you can find the information on this UCI Change of Major page.

Was your daughter accepted into biology at another school?

Congrats!! Did he get the email around 6ish?

UCI admits into the University first then into the major. You can be admitted into your first choice major, alternate major or Undeclared for regular admission or from the waitlist.

Before accepting the waitlist, contact the Biology department to confirm that if you meet the change of major criteria, are you guaranteed a spot in the major.

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Anyone get off the waitlist for Psychological Science?

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Thanks. I will check on that page.
She got accepted at UCSB for pre-biology.

Im still on the waitlist for urban studies/enviromental science and policy which it seems like no one in this forum applied for :frowning: Gumbymom, do you know whether or not they tell you if you have been declined from the waitlist if thats a thing? Or do they just ignore you? If I get an email saying an update was made does that mean i got in?> pray for me please!!!

Is anyone still currently on the waitlist for nursing?

They will notify all waitlisted students when they close the waitlist with a denial so you will get a decision one way or another.

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Environmental science & policy is the 2nd major my daughter applying to and she is still on waitlist, no update… :cry:

she can have it!! just let me get into urban studies please :smiling_face_with_tear:

I really want to get into UCI as a Bio Sci major. Really wish I got an update for my application but it’s ok, I just got to wait. Maybe next phase but yeah. Does anyone know when the next phase may come out as UCI shared there acceptances through waitlists this same day last year for the Class of 2026?

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The 2nd wave last year was on 4/24 per the note above… :pray: :pray:


has anyone gotten out for English / journalism? :cry: still waiting on mine