UC Merced or community college?

<p>If I plan on transferring in two years to either ucb, ucla, or ucsd which choice is better? I’m a motivated student who will work her ass off to get a 4.0 at either place and my major will be premed. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>Ordinarily, I would say go to a cc; however, since you said that you want to be premed, you should know that at least some med schools don't view prereqs done at cc to be at the same level as the university classes. Just something I've heard.</p>

<p>"Ordinarily, I would say go to a cc; however, since you said that you want to be premed, you should know that at least some med schools don't view prereqs done at cc to be at the same level as the university classes. Just something I've heard."</p>


<p>Well you cannot really say your major will be premed since that does not exist as a major, but in terms of getting into medical school your GPA counts WAY more than where you went. Going to Merced for 4 years might be the best choice since you'll prolly have the highest GPA. Plus its a new school, so getting quality time with profs for solid letters of rec is easier. </p>

<p>Just make sure you get high MCAT scores.</p>

<p>how about in terms of transferring from uc merced vs. ccc?</p>

<p>in terms of transferring, transfering from cc is easier since they have guaranteed program.</p>

<p>but if you're premed, UC merced might be a better choice. Because first, med schools usually don't take prereqs at CC seriously, and second it may be harder for you to get involved with clubs/research/volunteering if you decide to transfer since you won't be able to commit for a long period of time.</p>

<p>"since you'll prolly have the highest GPA"
I'll be there on the uc berkeley/uc merced shared experience ...you wont have the highest GPA if I have something to say about it LOL :-p</p>

<p>I'm sure the profs can dish out more than just 1 4.0 student >_>;; They're lower division courses anyways, so they don't get considered for Latin Honors or something (so I've managed to understand from the definition)</p>

<p>collegekid, what of your appeal? any news from la? sorry off topic</p>

<p>yeah, i got ass raped on my appeals (excuss my french) what about u starry?</p>

<p>sorry to hear that collegekid... so you're doing the shared program for sure?
they kept to their decision of the ucmerced/ucla shared experience program. i'm going to irvine.</p>

<p>yeah im doing it for sure :-p</p>

<p>Are you guys serious that if you go to a CC for 1 year and then transfer to UCI or something that the med-school will not accept you b/c of some courses being at a CC?</p>

<p>Elaborate please? I heard this before but I was under the impression that like only 2% of med schools were like that.</p>

<p>Little_Duck will you be UC eligible as a graduating high school student? This will determine the answer to your question. Also do you have at least a 2.4?</p>

<p>see here
<a href="http://www.cccapply.org/Faq/transfer.asp#2%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.cccapply.org/Faq/transfer.asp#2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>and here
<a href="http://www.assist.org/web-assist/welcome.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.assist.org/web-assist/welcome.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>