UC online application help

<p>For the community section of the application it ask for the average number of hours a week and avg. weeks a year. My question is that I don’t do community regularly. I do a lot during the summer and I’ll do some with my school. I also go to various special events at the community center. Ask you can see I don’t have a regular community service schedule like they do for sports or other activities. </p>

<p>What should I do? After calculating all the hours I’ve done it comes out to about 220 hours.</p>


<p>Only count the weeks you actually did something for the activity. If, for example, in a two-year activity:</p>

<p>The first summer you worked 9 weeks of the summer and did 100 total hours of work</p>

<p>And the next summer you worked 6 weeks and did 120 total hours</p>

<p>9+6=15weeks/2years=7.5 av weeks per year.
100+120=120hours/15weeks=8 average hours per week.</p>

<p>Do they just care mainly about the hours? Do they prefer if you do the majority over the summer or spread out during the year??</p>

<p>Also at my local senior center I've done 140 hours over the past two years (11th and 12th).</p>

<p>Do I enter it like this?</p>

<p>years: 11th and 12th</p>

<p>hours/weeks: 7</p>


<p>Does the hours/weeks and weeks/year count for just one year over both years combined?</p>

<p>Last question: I attended a science program over the summer called Copernicus. Where should I place this summer program at? It is not listed in the educational preparation program area.</p>

<p>They will not be concerned with when you did the work.</p>

<p>For the weeks, you add up ALL the weeks and divide by the number of years. So, for example, if you worked 7 weeks 11th grade and 13 weeks 12th grade, it is "10 average weeks per year."</p>

<p>For hours, you total up all your hours (all years), and divide by total weeks (all years) to get average hours/week. So, for example, if you did 50 hours 11th grade and 90 hours 12th grade (over the same weeks as above), it would be:</p>

<p>7 weeks + 13 weeks = 20 weeks divided by 2 years = 10 average weeks/year.
50 hours + 90 hours = 140 hours (all years) divided by 20 weeks (all years) = 7 average hours/week.</p>

<p>The science program goes under Educational Preparation Programs. Choose "Other" and type in the name of the program and a brief description.</p>