UC Personal Insight Question (PIQ) #8?

I was thinking of writing for UC PIQ#8, but aren’t really sure about it. I was thinking about writing about my experiences of moving every 1-3 years (seven states and 1 foreign country) throughout my childhood. I wanted to talk how this has impacted my perspective of the world; specifically, how I define “community”, since I’ve never known a “permanent” place/community to call home. Should I go for it?

Give it a try. But remember you have to explain why that makes you a strong applicant. The whole point is telling the UCs why they should want you on their campus, so you have to explain how your way of defining community would make you an asset to the UCs.


I think it’s super interesting and a good topic.

If you haven’t already written an answer for #4, I think it might fit better with that question:

4. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

Moving that often is certainly something I would describe as an educational opportunity (I realize it could also be seen as a barrier but I think it’s better to go with the positive aspect).

You could also relate it to #5 if you have viewed it as a challenge:

5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

I think you’ll have to work harder making it fit into #8 - an answer about how you are a strong candidate for admission because of it, but as @worriedmomucb says, make sure you connect it to why they should want you.

Good luck!


Depending on how you frame the topic, I kind of like this one better, too.

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I like the topic, but agree that there might be a better PIQ than #8.

UCSB has some really good videos about how to complete the UC application. At this point in the counselor video, the speaker talks about the PIQ. Listen to how she describes how the PIQ should provide clarity, context and depth. If you watch further, she points out that there are two parts to every question. She also says to make sure that you reflect on who you are today because of your answer. Provide content over style and get to the point.

So… which PIQ will help you provide clarity, context and depth? Which question will allow you to reflect and communicate about who you are today?

If you keep watching the video, she will give examples of activity descriptions and PIQ and go over what is vague and what comes across well.

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Apologies for replying so late, I only check this forum during weekends.

Thanks for the feedback!

I think I’m reluctant to choose a prompt about “educational” barriers" and challenges affecting my academic achievement is because…well…it really hasn’t affected my education significantly. I’m not sure I could honestly write for these prompts, especially, based on my courses/grades section, it’s evident that moving hasn’t been a challenge in terms of what I do in the classroom.

I think the reason I’m leaning towards prompt #8 is mostly because, these experiences have been extremely difficulty in terms of socialization & extracurricular/leadership/service involvement. Academically, I’ve done well. However, these circumstances have been more of a personal obstacle and barrier.

Reflecting on it, I want to find some way to express to UC that, without an “inherited” identity tied to a location, it can be hard to find belonging in insular communities. Especially when you know that you’re only a temporary visitor, if that makes sense? I’ve been frequently “othered” by peers and classmates, for my unfamiliarity with the region/area (and assumptions about my character based on my parents’ profession, but that’s not something I’m going to get into).

I think, above all, I want to express how my upbringing has taught to be seek “belonging” and community beyond the traditional definition of geographic location. The essay will probably include some specific examples of this growth, such as involvement in stabilizing activities that has made the difficult transition between homes/states/schools easier.

I’m not really sure. Any thoughts?

If I was an AO, I would question if this student would become part of our college community, or if they would continue to view themself as a “temporary visitor.”

Hmm, I guess that’s fair. I mean, the part of the admissions process I’m most looking forward to is finally picking a community/location/region to stabilize in, since I’ve lacked agency over where I’ve lived (which can be said for everyone, but I think for me, it’s different). I’m just not sure how to convey that to AO. I definitely don’t want to tell admissions officers that I view myself as a “temporary visitor”.

Maybe take something you liked from each place and say how you can replicate that ?

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Hmm…well, let’s look at #8:

Prompt #8: Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admission to the University of California?

If you really want to use this topic to answer this question, instead of focusing on what would be seen as negative - being ‘othered’ in different places, you could instead pivot to what you did to help you to feel more a part of each community that you encountered, then end with whatever that gift is that will add to the community of the University of California - like, out of that experience, what ‘superpower’ did you develop that would make you a stand out candidate?

@lkg4answers is totally right that the idea could be used against you if you don’t position it well. It’s always a better idea to focus on the positive, and in the particular PIQ they are asking you to detail a gift, strength or talent that sets you apart. The ability to adapt to all of the different environments you have had to is a talent, figure out a way to talk about it in terms of HOW (remember show don’t tell) and how that gift/talent/ability makes you someone they would want to include in their community.

Personally, if you were my student, I would still encourage you to pursue #5 for this topic, as you really are describing it as a significant challenge -and it does not ask how this affected you academically NEGATIVELY, it just asked you how it affected you academically - if it was not negative, perhaps find a way to talk about how it affected you academically positively. I think there are ways to position yourself in the essay to fit the question/answer. Maybe all the adapting made you more focused on your studies than you might otherwise have been if you had just grown up in the same place for years and years and become complacent. Maybe all the travel made you committed to your studies so that you could do big things because you had been exposed to so much, and thus made you a stronger student.

IOW there are so many directions you could go with this idea, but above all I encourage you to focus on the POSITIVE - not ‘I didn’t fit in, I felt othered’ but rather the challenge of being in a new place constantly and the strength/gifts you developed to overcome the feeling of otherness.

I hope that’s helpful!


Yeah definitely I totally get that! I see what everyone is saying about spinning my experience in a more positive light. That’s the part I’ve been struggling with to write, since I’ve gotten past the “addressing the challenge/problem” portions of my drafts, now, I just need to figure out where to go from there.

I might try drafting an essay that fits with #5, and see where that goes?

In a couple of days, I’m going to be working with an admissions/essay coach/counselor, to help with drafting/writing these PIQs, so that’s definitely something I’ll bring up; whether to go with PIQ #5 or PIQ#8, to find prompt that most accurately my core values.

Again, thanks for the response/feedback, I appreciate hearing from diff. perspectives!


It’s great that you’ll be meeting with someone that can help you navigate this! That’s right - keep it positive!

You’ve got a compelling story, and you sound like an awesome candidate. I wish you every bit of luck getting into your #1 UC! :crossed_fingers:t2: :crossed_fingers:t2: :crossed_fingers:t2:

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