UC Riverside Class of 2025 — Regular Decision Date: March

Weighted GPA 4.38, UC GPA 4.17, 31 ACT, very active at school and outside in community.

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Don’t worry you got this keep thinking positive!

Not doubting you…just wanting clarity. Are you sure the portal was updated today? Or did she just get the email today? Just trying to confirm if this represents an actual release today.

Good question - the notice is dated today at her MyUCR page. It may have been in there earlier and she didn’t check, but doesn’t appear to be the case.



Any changes?

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Nothing for me yet

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Yeah bro, head up! I have a 3.61 uw and a 3.83 capped, and I got accepted to UCI today. UCR should be a gateway! We all here for each other! We got this ■■■■ bro no cap!


Anyone here anything today or does anyone know when the next batches come out?

UCR received 66K applications this year and notified 20k acceptance already. I doubt there will be another big wave of acceptance like one on 03/01/21

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Do you think there are still going to be acceptances?

yes…small wave of acceptance… massive waitlist

Congrats! Hope we hear good news soon too.

What’s your major for your apps to UCI?

How do you know they notified 20k acceptances already?


Curious where you got these numbers from ?

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I have my priority major as a Mechanical Engineer, but I was accepted with my alternate of Civil Engineering

Where did you get these numbers from?

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I just went to news.ucr.edu and on january 27,2021 it stated that ucr got a total of 52,263 applicants for fall 2021 but it didn’t say anything about total acceptances nor could I find anything about it so I’m not sure if that’s accurate

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i got accepted last week and today i got an invitation to apply to university honors. do you think this is something worth applying for or do most applicants receive this offer? good luck to those who are waiting to hear back!

My son’s acceptance letter said, Congratulations out of 66,000 applicants we chose you! So there is truth to that part for sure. They did not say how many applicants were accepted however.

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