UC Riverside Class of 2025 — Regular Decision Date: March

OOps corrected that typo, should be MEET. First person to notice this and I have posted it several times over the last few years. Thanks…

No problem, but any answers or advice to my question at the end there .-.

Although both majors are very closely related, Business Econ had a higher enrollment for 2020 vs. Econ but unfortunately I cannot find any data to indicate if the acceptance rate for the majors are significantly different. Ideally, you would want to 2 majors in slightly different areas but only time will tell which major you will be admitted into at UCR.

My kid loved Davis! I think that’s her second choice behind ucsd. Fingers crossed for your son (and my kid too!)

My kid got the same thing yesterday…one of her Classmates got hers.

I am just curious to know if anyone has gotten rejected or waitlisted from UCR because it seems that everyone who has heard back has gotten accepted so far?

Im still being considered.

Hi Mehar

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You tend to see acceptances come out first in a wave and rejections near the end BUT acceptances do come later too just a smaller amount of people. I am being considered still however so yup.


Does anyone know when the next batch of admission decisions will be sent? Currently still on “being considered for an admission decision” :confused:


UCR usually does not release specific date for their release dates, so no one knows. I’m sure they will be releasing those within this week or next week. Keep it tight. I personally feel like today or tomorrow is a good time for UC Davis to release their decisions


Bruh same starting to get scared they are saving rejections for the end or waitlists. Hopefully we both get in ;-;


That’s crazy if they don’t. I got accepted to UC Irvine, but it was my alternate major if Civil Engineering. I’m sure they will! There is a lot of hope! Regardless, you can decide after your first 2 years to change because the first 2 are general ed. On the portal for the accepted it says “Note: Applicants who were not offered their primary or alternate major may have been admitted to Undergraduate/Undeclared so that they can pursue their choice of major once enrolled.” Prolly would go the same for UCR and the others. Best of luck dawg, we got this ■■■■


Hopefully they come out soon hoping the best for all of us!


Anyone else have the voting?

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Yes I have gotten it

What voting? Tbh I don’t care anymore. I already got into UC Davis and SLO. I didn’t want to go that much but my heart really goes out for those of you who want to go to Riverside. It sucks they’re dragging it out this long when it’s already such a tough year. SLO is guilty of this too ugh


I’m literally waiting on SLO but only have hopes on UCR and maybe off the waitlist at CPP this is so stressful.

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I was rejected at CPP which was a bit confusing given my other acceptances. UCR rolls out I think but I have no idea why they wouldn’t just release decisions at once


Makes no sense to me either. I wish they would give some sort of timeline for when the next batch comes out