UC Riverside Class of 2025 — Regular Decision Date: March

Yup, I have this

mine says the same thing too

My junk folder I just saw acceptance. No merit award.

Daughter accepted for CS with 5K Chancellors. In state. No email received, just a message in Portal


Accepted last night for linguistics, no scholarships


My daughter was accepted last night for biology.

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I’m trying to guess if UCR is currently in a first tier, super high GPA wave or if they might be starting a full blown admissions wave. @keslee88 and @Run4itmom are you children super high GPA students?

Hi. My daughter has a 4.52 weighted gpa/4.0 unweighted. I’m not sure how the rolling is going this year, but last year my son was admitted to UCR on March 5 with a 4.33 weighted and 4.0 unweighted in mechanical engineering. Neither received scholarships. I hope this helps.

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I have a 4.21 GPA and the 25th percentile is 3.69 and the 75th percentile is 4.11 on the UC admissions website. Does that answer your question? Me and a bunch of my friends got accepted last night, we have similar stats but I believe my friends are around the 4.1-4.15 range.

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May I ask if any received scholarships?

Nope, none of us so far

Thanks! It must be super competitive!

My portal changed yesterday to “Your application is currently being considered for an admission decision” and is still showing it. I wonder if that means I did not get in?

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I can’t get into my portal. But the email I got just says I’ve been accepted nothing else saying merit money.

It does not. Every year I see people trying to guess if this change or that means this or that. Pretty sure those little things never mean anything, and/or we can not know if they do. We only know for sure when you get YOUR decision.

I am not a high tier amazing GPA and I got in.


what was your stats if you don’t mind sharing

Have any international applicants gotten in?

I heard some students received admission notification today.
please check UCR portal.