**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

I’m thinking it won’t be today. Everyone was expecting today for Davis as well. Then they posted on instagram pretty much saying it wasn’t happening today:
“Freshman admissions decisions will start to drop mid-to-late March! We know that many of you are eagerly waiting! We’re eager to share too, but just not yet! Stay strong and be sure to check your email and the MyAdmissions portal regularly over the next few weeks to find out about admissions decisions first! We’ve shared with some folks that mid-March was as specific as we could get.”

So, since they were on same schedule, thinking UCSD is probably the same. :frowning_face:

You are competitive but the capped weighted is just barely below average for admits last year. 4.03 - 4.28

after what time is it unlikely for them to release decisions? i guess at what time should we give up for today and assume next Friday haha

@Gumbymom is there a website that breaks down the admit data by each distinct UC as opposed to all the UCs together? Also, is that same data available by major at each distinct UC?

Thank you!

From what I’ve read we should give up at around 5 p.m. PST/8 p.m. EST haha

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But the portal has yet to change so I would say it will not be today :frowning:

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i hate to admit it but i think you’re right

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This is a really helpful report since it’s GPA by high school.

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There was no change to my portal with the removal of the “forms” so I’d assume it’s going to be next Friday. I though UCSD generally posted on the second Friday of the month but I guess this year is the exception

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Wow - a real eye opener for me. Will not be holding my breath :((

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No change in portal yet

If you go to the UCSD admissions instagram account, they replied “decisions will be released mid-end of March” when somebody asked. Interpret that as you wish; I guess we’ll know if it’s today or not in an hour.

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No data for UC GPA admit by major but I have admit rates for Capped weighted GPA by campus.

2020 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.00-3.39 capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 1%

UCLA: 1%

UCSD: 1%

UCSB: 2%

UCI: 1%

UCD: 7%

UCSC: 26%

UCR: 30%

UCM: 88%

2020 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79 capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 2%

UCLA: 1%

UCSD: 8%

UCSB: 9%

UCI: 9%

UCD: 17%

UCSC: 59%

UCR: 65%

UCM: 95%

2020 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 14%

UCLA: 8%

UCSD: 39%

UCSB: 40%

UCD: 55%

UCI: 38%

UCSC: 82%

UCR: 90%

UCM: 97%

2020 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 37%

UCLA: 38%

UCSD: 78%

UCSB: 81%

UCD: 86%

UCI: 60%

UCSC: 92%

UCR: 97%

UCM: 98%


pretty sure that means next week:(

Great info! Where did u find these stats?

I set my heart for UCSD but this waiting-in-the-dark thing is a bit annoying… Georgia tech, in comparison, not only told people what day what time to release but also create a cute countdown clock in applicants’ portal, which I think really shows that they understand us and they CARE.


I’m checking out to preserve my sanity. GOOK LUCK TO EVERYBODY next week (hopefully)!


give it a wait until 5:30 pst.

This isn’t by major, but still helpful since its by high school and GPA. Admissions by source school | University of California

My son received the decision from UCSD on 3/13/20 @ 7:33 pm PST. Anxiously waiting for the decision from UCSD for niece this year.