**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

I agree with you

I got wait listed at UCSB do i still have a chance at San Diego or LA

Me too, I am hoping to get in atleast one UC. In my school many students only get accepted to only one UC , sometimes its only UCB. So let’s see.

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You do. Longer shot at LA, but ya never know with UCSD.

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Well given we haven’t even hit the first day of spring yet (March 20), that’s concerning. Late spring would take us into June. Yeah, I don’t think so. But does make it sound like it won’t be until next week or week after.

We know based on the portal it will be by March 31 so that’s not too long at least

I called the admissions office yesterday, and they said decisions are releasing between this week and next week.


lol thats basically means nothing, because if they release later than UCB, they will have a super low field rate

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What does “low field rate” mean in this context?

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sorry wrong typing

wait why would they have a low yield rate if they announce decisions later than UCB?

maybe because ucb is more appealing for those who also get accepted by it

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That makes no sense. People can wait before they accept until May 1st. By that time, all decisions (minus the WL) will be known

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I just called the office, and they said admissions decisions would be released “very very soon”. Could they be coming out today?


I am going to call rn

Could you give me the number?


thank you

they’re gonna end up releasing the decisions not bc they want to but just so people stop calling lmaoo