**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

but they should have the decision by now, even UCI and UCSB released, UCSD has 0 reasons that they are still reading those applications, they don’t have more applications than those 2 schools.

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The guy said, “we don’t have an explicit date. Our hard deadline is March 31st.”

Pointless lol

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nah what if they’re torturing us on purpose


absolutely agree. this will just give them more incentive to have an exact date next year

probably are.

We have to put pressure on them or they will just continue to procrastinate rather than do what they need to do when we give them the application fee


Haha makes my head spin thinking about those mission statements from admissions. They feel like different ways to say “they’re looking for top well rounded students”.

Addressing comments about UC’s collaborating. I can tell you they don’t. It’s hard enough to do admissions for the campuses. they do not have the time or infrastructure in place to then do coordination across the 9 campuses.


fair but they didn’t give a date. all they said is before the 31st. so while I’m just as fed up waiting as everyone else, we can’t actually hold them to anything

it would be a waste, clearly our application fee was not enough to give us an exact date. I understand its a tough job and time sensitive, but why would they tell us mid-march (Davis) then say mid-late march, what next?

Genuinely waiting for the day they say, “Next month”

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lol I haven’t seen a UC release their first-year decision in April

maybe I am being impatient…

@BaileeJA i’ve worked with admissions and am a scholarship reader, its alot of work and with the large increase in apps, its even more daunting. plus everything is being read virtually too.

At the very least it will be before March 31st. Many schools don’t give you an exact date until the very last minute.

Just hard to wait for a life altering decision

Most of the good universities told the exact date


ie Johns Hopkins

When is that coming

Friday at 3pm eastern time

thats what their portal says

I heard that UCSD was done with decisions though? So why wouldn’t they be able to just give us a date of release?? It’s not like they’re still going through them.

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Hang in there! I know it seems like its a life altering decision, its definitely the biggest thing to happen to me at 18 years old! But I want to offer some encouragement that no matter what college you go to, all of you will turn out ok. The ranking and prestige of the college won’t matter once you step on campus for the first time, go to orientation, join clubs, meet your best friends, and make memories that will last a lifetime. Something you’ll hear time and time again is once they experience it and go through the four years, people wouldn’t trade their college experience for anything else.