**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

ok got it will ask her to make an account.

Hi. I didn’t get an email to send in my fall grades or any updates. Is that a bad thing?

@djoe4dlofe: The UC’s do not normally ask for Mid-year transcripts unless you received a request for an augmented review. Only a small percentage of applicants receive an augmented/supplemental review.

what is an augmented review? would you be able to explain that

@djoe4fdlofe: This link explains the UC augmented review.


Really? I heard that it usually comes out later around the 20th. Stuff could also be slightly delayed due to covid but idk how much.

I’m pretty sure that March 12 is in line with past practices, but you are right about COVID changing all of our plans. It can definitely cause delays or changes to timelines!

Last 3 years were all Fridays 3/13, 3/22, 3/16 around 4:30-5 pm

3/12 or 3/19 seem equally likely to me.

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Does anyone have the portal to check for UCSD - I can only currently find one to make corrections to application

  • D says some friends received rejection already…?
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Oh really? Dang im gonna go check now


Nothing gotten yet
Login (ucsd.edu) this is the login i think

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same i got nothing

I see nothing also… maybe HS kids being drama?!

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nothing yet… maybe those people had compelling reasons for rejection like a low GPA or something? Maybe the system weeded them out?


Thank you

I don’t think there have been any UC rejections yet.

it’s beatriton.ucsd.edu i believe

nothing on my son’s portal

UCSD is projected to be 3/12 per Mrs Sun blog.