**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

hopefully ucsd and ucd won’t go on huge waitlist/rejection sprees like cpp, cpslo, uci, ucsb, csulb… now I wonder what my chances really are


I think UCSD actually made all the decisions, but they were unwilling or “unable” to release those decisions due to some tech problems

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yeah i think so too i read it somewhere earlier

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If they are still reading the application now, I don’t think they will be able to release the results in March, as this could be a big challenge for IT workers

CS is the probably most competitive major for any UC.
I believe picking the right major that he will be happy with is still the right decision.
Just don’t give up hope yet. There is still an option of CC and then transfer a top tier UC for the CS major considering your son is great student with such amazing stats.
One of my sons graduated from UCSC last year with the CS degree and was able to land a job as a software developer for a company in SD in the middle of the pandemic. He is very happy with his choice of CS major. He was waitlisted for UCSC and was rejected from all other UCs (except for Merced and Riverside which he didn’t apply). He could have gotten into some UCs with a less competitive major but he is very happy now that he had picked CS. It was the right decision for him and it worked out for him.


Computer Science has been the downfall for all those high stat applicants to UC.

Agreed. My younger son is applying this year for CS also. His stats are 4.0 UW with 13 APs and dual enrollment classes (Linear Algebra and Differential Equations) with tons of ECs as well as last year first place for mock trial team competition. He also took several programming classes from UCSD Extension and did well. He was waitlisted for UCSB for CS. Go figure!

That is data for 2020? If it is for 2021 where is it available?

  1. Sorry! :grinning: If you don’t have the link, here it is.

An interesting year. Decisions were made much earlier as UCSD is playing chicken with the competition. Like UCI, expect a lot of waitlist, rejections than normal. Rumor is that acceptance is well below 20% given the large pool of applicants. WL will be used to fill the spots (even regents) that are not taken.

My D got into UCI (engineering). But many of her 4.0uw friends, even some accepted at top 10 got waitlisted or rejected at UCI.

This year, it’s going to be about protecting yield. But also, making sure that GPA is high for ranking purposes.

I still say Friday. But also could decouple Merit/UPM Friday and release next week.

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Interesting reason - why would finals week for students have anything to do with delaying admissions decisions?


one has nothing to do with the other. Admission/FN have nothing to do with Finals.


i know but some students work in the admissions office

low level employees. Decisions have been made. It just comes down to protocol and final approvals to broadcast decisions


I find it ridiculous that people who have 4.0 and plenty of ap’s and extracurriculars are getting rejected from schools like UCSC that has like a 50% acceptance rate while people with lower GPA’s are getting in just cuz they seem to be a “good fit” like how do they determine a good fit?

Probably the essays, gpa and classes really only tell if you’re good at completing assignments but essays give away your character (not to say there’s probably not some bias at play too but I’m sure the essays play a big role)

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A lot of the 4.0s are applying for engineering, which gets filled faster. So it’s a bit deceiving when you see 4.0s being waitlisted.

Just don’t know how the Admission officers pick the right fit. I got in UIUC for CS and rejected by UCI. Can’t figure out what UIUC liked in me and UCI didn’t. Waitlisted in UCSB and accepted in UCSC. I think California doesn’t want me anymore.

My son was waitlisted with high stats at UCSC for undeclared. I just heard last night that a friend’s son got in. He has had a lot of issues and goes to the alternative high school in town. He has gotten many Bs and some Cs. She said he had close to no ECs but wrote great essays. She is a high school AP teacher so I trust her judgement on that one. She said UCSC was a reach for him and she was shocked he was accepted. So fit must certainly be a strong factor. He applied for business.

ucsc’s admissions this year are a little puzzling. I’ve seen both people with low stats and high stats get in, for the same competitive majors, and people with high and low stats get rejected or waitlisted. i think every admissions officer evaluated differnlty

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