**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

Seabass927, UCSD does admit more students from your high school.
We are in NorCal. My D’s school admitted rate in 2020 were UCSD 26% Irvine 25% Santa Barbara 28%.
Surprisingly Berkeley is relatively high at 24%. Locality might matters? Don’t know.

I think it really has to do someone’s chosen major. A person with 4.0 UW GPA applying to CS is more likely to be rejected than a 4.0 UW GPA applying to Central Asian linguistic studies.


Actually I hope they go with huge waitlists - because clearly what has happened is all the applicants panicked due to the uncertainties this year and applied with casting a really wide net. Many folks have applied to what were really safety schools just in case that they had no intention enrolling in. With the uncertainty, this makes a lot of sense for all of us to do individually - but collectively this is a problem for everyone. Come May, most of the folks will reject admissions from the majority of schools they got in - clearing the way for folks in the waitlists to actually get into the school we really wanted to be in. That way everyone wins - folks who got direct admissions in places they wanted to be in, folks who settled for admission in place they did not want but later got admitted off the waitlist to a place they wanted to be in as well as the schools themselves (they do not have to admit more than their capacity).

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Or they like certain high schools because the students attend and are successful?

really? but ucsd doesnt admit by major right

But the problem with this is that the colleges don’t give financial aid offers when they put you on a waitlist, making it very difficult for planning purposes. And I have been told that some won’t even offer financial aid to their waitlisted acceptances.

I believe every UC takes selected major into account for admittance.
I know MIT doesn’t. Everybody is undeclared!

Interesting, isn’t it? (For the benefit of others reading this exchange, we’re a public very diverse HS of 3800+ students that is probably not considered a top-tier.)

since UCD come out today, any chance UCSD will come out at the same time?

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Who said UCD is coming out today


please check

I guess those folks will likely have to choose colleges which they got admitted outright and got financial aid. Still for in-state colleges like UCs, I would rather be waitlisted with a slight chance of getting admitted later than rejected outright.

yep same here. id rather get a waitlist than a rejection

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In the UCD chat they are saying that UCSD will be released today

i hope so!

really, can you send me the link


You are right. My older D applied to 12 colleges 4 years ago. My younger D applied to 25 colleges this year. She gets 2 rejections 7 admittances and 1 waitlist so far. Still waiting for other top colleges, and she can only go to one college!

wait sorry i can see on the davis thread that ucd is coming out later today but where does it say that ucsd will come out today too? is that confirmed?

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