**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

I feel kids these days are much harder workers than 1980’s. I don’t know anyone who took classes at the colleges while attending high school. I don’t remember anyone volunteered so much.


gotten so competative it’s really unfortunate

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haha we’re just under more pressure and more fearful of failure

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I only applied to UCLA in 1980 and assumed I would get in. You could only apply to one UC then.

Right and everyone who gets into an ivy has their own non profit and a 999999999 gpa


NEU is the right name

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I bet you have so many cool vintage UCLA sweatshirts omg

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yeah i applied to 29 schools with only 1 ivy (Columbia)… i didn’t want harvard taking my money just to send me a nice lil rejection

I had 1 EC on my application, sports. Frankly I dont even remember writing essays. I do however remember filling out the applications in between classes in high school and spent no more than 15 mins total. I didnt even know that UCSD had different colleges so I just randomly ranked them.

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My parents were definitely more successful than me and made me apply to their colleges Stanford and Brown and there is literally no way even with legacy I get in that’s gonna be a FAT REJECTION haha

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speaking for myself, i had a full fee waiver for all schools, including the UC’s and all common app schools so it wasnt too bad


that’s so different woah!


yeah my mom got into ucla when she was applying to college and decided not to go bc at the time, it wasnt such a big and competitive school and she chose a different school


So any confirmation on release today?

Is there a specific time when UCs release typically?

There’s no indication besides someone saying they heard from someone else. And then other people said next week so probably not today

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i’m hoping this comment means today. or at least tomorrow. really hoping we don’t have to wait until next week.

I picked UCSD over UCLA because of the vibe and overall culture. I just liked the laid back feel of the campus versus the hustle and bustle. Even though UCLA has always been my dream school I have no regrets going to UCSD for undergrad. If I had gone to UCLA I would not have been as successful personally. Thats why I tell my kids to get into the best school where they feel comfortable and can be happy.


Yeah, this broke my bank!
My co-worker’s son applied to 20 colleges last year. I thought that was crazy. Few of my daughter’s classmates applied to 30+ colleges.
One of the college she applied was Utah. Top 100 college, beautiful campus. WUE tuition is only $12380 and room & board is $10201. Much cheaper than UCs, even less than Cal States.