**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

Just another kick in the gut for seniors who wont get prom, graduation, etc. I feel really bad for all of them.


For CS you have to add around 150 to the median SATs that I listed.

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Yup. Last year on Match Day, the kids who spent 4 years of med school didnā€™t get their thing. Same this year. My daughter had soccer practice this month and I told her the field was behind the cafeteria and she said she didnā€™t know where the cafeteria was since sheā€™s never been on campus as a high school freshman. Just all around batty and these kids are resilient. It sucks now, but I think none of this will matter 4 years from now.


I agree on this. One one hand UCs preach about how learning is more important and then turn around and just look at total GPA first to weed out students. Thatā€™s unfair. Sometimes, I wonder why are we so hung up upon UCs? Because of its ranking?


This is so true! My D18 had her heart set on private schools and even with decent scholarship offers we found them too expensive. She was getting a lot of messages from U of Arizona saying they would give her almost full tuition and she actually applied in March or April after she had gotten all of her other offers, got accepted immediately with the scholarship and then got a spot in their Honorā€™s college and ended up going there. She is now a Junior majoring in Microbiology and has had a great experience, including being able to start lab research work as a Freshman and getting exposed to all sorts of interesting lecturers in the medical field, including a retired Surgeon General. She has also built good relationships with quite a few professors who have given her letters of recommendation. Honestly, I am not sure if she would have had the same opportunities at a UC. She recently did great on her MCATs and will be applying to med schools this summer. A school name alone does not necessarily make the college experience any better or guarantee success.


Not true. You are going to college, period. Nothing was wasted. For years, all of us got filled with the idea that only the top 50 schools out of 8500 are worth the exorbitant expense. Most of us know that as pure BS. You will grow where you are planted. Fit is more important than prestige. Heck, the best way to get to your dream college is to go the CC route. at that point, Stanford, UCLA, USC have 3rd tier acceptance rates. But youā€™ll have to wait 2 years to fly that flag.

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4 years back my friendā€™s sister got in UCB and U T Austin. At Austin she got full ride. She chose that over UCB. And trust me she says that this is the best decision of her life. Donā€™t attach yourself to a tag.

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UCSD=University of California Slow Decisions
I am a dad, I couldnā€™t help it.


Very smart. Mine got regents at UCR. Hard reach was Biomed at GTech and JHU. She got into GT so far. If they reach in state tuition then it will hard to turn down the #2 biomed program in US. Else, the checkbook will veto. UCSD will cost the same as GT. But UCR, with $14k, research, honorsā€¦is very hard to beat. I just wonder if we had not applied to UCR, if she would have received regents elsewhereā€¦Hmmmā€¦ My OD got regents/dean at UCI last year. Great school, Great Value, Great Fit and it was at bottom of list due to proximity. Luckyyyy

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Imagine what is like back in the ā€œoldā€ days when we had to wait for an actual letter to arrive! Big envelope = happiness, small envelope = devastation.


Yes! I vaguely recall that I didnā€™t get notifications until April 15; all colleges sent out at the same time. Ran home to check snail mail. And then we had only two weeks to make a decision. Of course, back then, most only applied to three to five schools.

@Daddio24 Award for best dad joke today.

@tboooe Argh. Old days. Iā€™ll pass on the snail mail for instant gratification and Iā€™m 46 :slight_smile:

I think UC David decision just came out

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I mean UC Davis

*Davisā€¦ sorry for typo

They did.

alright if ucsd is known for coming out on the same day as another UCā€¦ letā€™s hope for today!!!

but UC Slow Admission did not


yes UC Davis released today at 2:30ish