**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

I mean Slow Decision

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Deleting this! So sorry. Wrong thread.

to ucsd?

ucd or ucsd

I remember the day I got my SJSU acceptance like it happened yesterday. You donā€™t get many memories like that in a lifetime. Also, I believe it was maybe $220 a semester.


Oh my goodness. Iā€™m so sorry. I thought I was on the Davis thread. Can I delete that?

i just checked ucsd nothing

does ucsd tend to release in waves or all at once?

@MommaLue you young whipper snapper Gen Zā€™er!!

Dont even get me started about tuition costs. When I attended UCSD it was about $300 a quarter though I also remember textbooks costing like $100 each.


at this point idk if Iā€™m even going to get into UCSD Iā€™ve only got accepted into ucsc and ucr everything else waitlisted its disappointing

what are the chances of today?


They really canā€™t admit a class that is 50% CS majors?

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well said

Agree. We applied total 14. I thought it was a lot, but my wife suggested to apply to more safeties. Well, now these safeties are no longer safeties. Too many kids apply to these safety schools. But when the dusts settle, all these kids accepted to the safety schools will withdraw.

do out of state students likely get their first choice even if its capped? wondering because OOS AR are pretty high

Iā€™m going to die before Iā€™m 30 from all this stress

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I wouldnā€™t count yourself out yet. I do think itā€™s an independent assessment. Just cruise the forums and youā€™ll see the pattern of acceptances are all over the map. You havenā€™t been rejected - so thatā€™s a good sign. Also, so many people applied to so many schools and they can only go to one. Iā€™m guessing theyā€™ll be digging into the waitlists in May.

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username checks out lol. but also! take a breath, do something to distract yourself. maybe take a bath or eat some good food or watch some tv. i know how stressful it is, but trust me, there is much more to life than college. prioritize yourself, take care!


does anyone know what time it came out last year?