**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

@marshmellow1 We all want to know can you just post it here? It is likely inconclusive and we still need to await official decisions and all but if anything its entertainment and makes the time pass faster lol. Also, as a software consultant, I appreciate the validation/detective work that goes on around here! Its truly amazing

yeah lol since pretty much everyone is asking

well if im wrong, dont come at me plz and thanks
ok fair warning: it might not mean anything but HERE
so go to ur portal, right click and click on inspect
at the top, there should be smth called network; click on it
control r/command r
you can control f and look up the word status
it should be smth called status update or smth (517)
click on it and scroll to 529 where it should say IMG.admitted banner

I’m not seeing anything. Am I doing something wrong or should I be worried?

Edit: never mind. Found it.

@marshmellow1 Thanks! I saw it
For those that are curious
*entertainment purposes only

No hate to marshmellow obviously, but for those curious, I believe something like that is automatically built into the portal to make it easier once decisions actually do come out.

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It’s fun to investigate but don’t read too much into that. It’s just CSS(style sheet). When the actual banner appears, it is telling how much width and margin it should have. So everyone will have this.


Is there anyone who HAS NOT got this?

why doesn’t everyone just wait the like 10 days to actually find out


My favorite comment in this thread by far


It’s just code. It means nothing. Just wait for a decision.


ew no hahaha

@kaitlynmartin 8 days :slight_smile:


Hi. When are UCSD Decisions releasing?

Next friday (the 12th)? Is this confirmed?

no. not confirmed. a guess

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does anyone know if it easier to get in oos vs is? heard different things from different websites.

@djoe4fdlofe: The acceptance rate for OOS applicants is higher due to lower # of applicants, but the stats for OOS applicants are also slightly higher for an acceptance than in-state applicants.

56% acceptance rate last year for OOS applicants.

56% OOS acceptance rate!?!?!?