**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

I agree that this or next Friday makes sense. However, we can not be 100% sure. Anyway decisions will be here soon! we are almost there

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Genius. Itā€™s just an image embedded in the css for the webpage though. Hopefully Iā€™d be lucky to see that image very soon lol

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Two things to note: ok the UCSanDiegoAdmissions instagram, they stated in the Q&A stories that decisions will be released mid-march. Based on that I do think it is plausible that it will come out on Friday (especially since thatā€™s been known to be a past day)
Second thing to note: has anyone received a call from San Diego congratulating you for your admissions yet? Itā€™s tradition that they do it, and Iā€™m curious if anyone has received one. I have not.

I believe that UCSDā€™s calling campaign was discontinued about 2 years ago.

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oh :frowning: thatā€™s sad low-key was hoping for one

This would be fun way to explore the website, but this should be embedded to everyoneā€™s portal. This is just the general structure and it is just hidden with * * code. Waitlist and Rejection should be embedded in the coding structure as well. One of them will show up on your decision date.

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oof. Iā€™m literally terrified now

Itā€™s wild that we could be getting decisions in 3 days and have heard nothing

welcome to big state schools ahaha

Does UCSD send out early acceptances? I know UCSC did and was wondering if other UC schools do

I know! Its like feeling forgotten for months and then hopefully a "we havenā€™t forgotten you - youā€™re in!!!) lol I would LOVE to know just how exactly they work thru the applicationsā€¦ especially UCLA with over 160,000 ??? :crazy_face:

Irvine did some, and I think Riverside?

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Irvine, Santa Cruz, Berkeley, and LA did some. I donā€™t think Riverside did any since they released some on the first few days of March.

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oh forgot about Berkeleyā€¦ LA technically didnā€™t do decisions early tho but we know regents basically guarantees admission

UCSD used to do an early admit calling campaign. They even had some events on campus for early admits from local counties. They stopped that 2-3 years ago.

As far as the other UCs in the past UCLA, UCB, UCSB, UCI and UCSC had early acceptances. It doesnā€™t sound like UCSB did it this year but the rest did.

What time would they be coming out on Friday if the release date is indeed this Friday?

From what I remember with my older kids it was from 3-5 pm, depending on the school (referring to the UCs she applied to)

UCSB did.

I am not convinced. Only one person posted, and that was a friend of a sonā€™s acceptance, with no follow up. No one on reddit, and no one else said they got into UCSB, none of the normal blogs indicated it. I donā€™t think I believe that UCSB did early notifications this year.

I thought a couple of people mentioned it.