UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

He wishes he was better than he is. :smiley:

My D19s are twins. I’m not gonna lie, it was rough. They had different stats, so it was more understandable, but still hard. It will be fine once it’s over and they’re both in school. Sending TwinMama support.


My daughter got admitted to UCR weeks ago. I am not sure if UCR is doing rolling admissions announcements though.

Congrats to those that got into UCSB today! For those that may be discouraged don’t lose hope, getting denied or admitted to a particular campus is not indicative of decisions at the other ones.


I’m curious to see how UC’s treat twins with identical stats- GPA, EC, eagle scout, a lot of volunteer hours, internship, swim team 4 years. The only difference is one twin who is getting accepted to UCI (regents/honor scholarship) and UCSB has 4 years of band. The other twin without Band is getting waitlisted. They applied to all the same schools and so far all the privates had 100% acceptance with same merit scholarships. They both got deferred to Tulane from early action.
Twin moms- I’m curious to see what your experience is so far for UC schools. It’s quite frustrating since I feel that UC’s are trying to protect yield and destroying the confidence of the other twin who worked equally hard.


@boytwinmom I can’t speak for other schools but UCLA specifically will try not to break up twins/triplets if they have otherwise identical stats. The only thing I could guess why there are different results for this set of twins would be the AO’s reading it are scoring differently. Competition is also very tough this year in general.

Also if I am not mistaken, is this the set of twins where one is engineering and the other is dance? If so that makes a big difference since dance is often audition based and engineering is an admit by major at nearly every ca college.


I’m super happy with my acceptance today! I’ve had great luck with my decisions so far!

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I have had the same experience. Identical twins, same stats. One got into UCSC and UCSB and the other waitlisted at both.

What major?

Lucky you. Me not so much, waitlists and rejects so far. UC Riverside is my last hope or getting off waitlists. 3.5 UW, 3.8 W, 1250 SAT, 25 ACT for business econ at UCR, how does my chances look. Also for getting off waitlist for Cal Poly Pomona.

Thats super interesting. So kids by virtue of being born twins has some additional advantage over other kids? Is this another consideration factor to add to the list of 13? This whole acceptance criteria just seems to get more and more confusing for me.

@tboooe Not necessarily an advantage. Just if they are the same on paper and if they are applying for either the same major or in L&S (where major doesnt matter), then they will admit both. They will need to basically be the same for that “guarantee” to happen. This is only if they are qualified and score well enough on the applicant grading system to be admitted.

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It would be so hard to parent TWO children through this, but especially when they are twins and applying to the same schools! I feel for all of you! You are a good mama, and I pray they both fall in love with their ultimate college destination.


To be honest I’m not sure. I am a psychology/ law major myself so qualifications for business Econ are not my area of expertise. If you had great extracurriculars I would say your gpa may be weighing you down :thinking: For UCR however with great ECs and essays I would say you’ve got a chance!

Did scholarship notices come out today also?

@silverdad1 Financial aid typically is released 1-4 days after decisions are released. It will be on the portal.


What are your stats?

Got it. Thx

Hopefully, thanks

Did anyone get Regents?