UC Santa Barbara Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

That’s a good thought but we would fly from LA … she has the perception that SDSU is an inferior school academically to UCD so unless she hates it there, i don’t think SDSU would get real consideration. Her impression of UCSC, which her old sibs unfortunately confirmed based purely on rumor as no one ever visited, is that kids at UCSC are not “mainstream” (too hippy for her, etc.). She is now talking Wisconsin (which she hasn’t gotten into yet) but hard to justify the OOS tuition when these UCs are all stronger academically. If Michigan comes through i guess i’ll have to suck up the $53K annual OOS tuition now (barring a Berkeley miracle). The UCSB WL may not be hopeless like the private school WLs but still nothing to count on and surely a long shot for all even if the list was inflated this year (which is far from substantiated).

thank you for this insight. puts it in perspective that UCSB waitlist is probably a hail mary at this point we should be investing in other acceptances

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Im glad to find this discussion. I was asking UCSB admissions for 2021 stats and more info on this years numbers of applicants and waitlist applicants but they only referred me to the FAQ’s for waitlisted students. Almost like calling Comcast…ha ha.

I was looking for a discussion like this to see what others “predictions” on how this years numbers might play out as we are coming out of pandemic restrictions. I predict number or applicants to be much higher this year (obviously). We were very hopeful for UCSB but not sure if we should remain hopeful or not. So far D has been accepted at UCI, SDSU, UW. Waitlisted at UCSD and now UCSB. Awaiting Berkeley. Of course we are planning around not getting into SB. Thanks for starting this post :slight_smile:

see my post above. When Gymbymom likes your post, you’ve got it right so… (hope you got into Berkeley)

What day did UCSB WL decisions come out last year? Was it early May?

A few waitlist admits were posted on April 30th. Admits do not come out all at once. They come out in waves, then are given 5-7 days to respond. If not all the spots are not filled, another wave will come out after that until all spots are filled.

UCSC is a lot more mainstream than it used to be.
There are no major chains on campus (Starbucks, Jamba) but all those are available in town.
It’s a beautiful campus with excellent instruction.
I encourage you to check it out!


I’m sure everyone has considered this but it is relatively easy for these high performing kids with AP credits to do a 1 year transfer with a TAG guarantee to UCSB. My older daughter did it for UCI, just make sure you have 30 units by the end of this summer and a math and english course completed. Its a really great option and usually free (promise program at IVC) then your daughter can spend 3 years at UCSB to get the full college experience with may be a double major or minor.

The ease of 1 year transfers is also dependent upon major. Some majors like Philosophy and Political science do not have as many required courses vs Engineering/CS.

wait how do you find the one year transfer, do ucla also have this for Econ?

1 year transfer chances will also vary by UC Campus. UCLA does not accept AP credits for GE requirements while other UC campuses will accept them. I will PM you since I do not want to derail this UCSB discussion.

would it help at all to do a campus tour to show demonstrated interest? or, would it hurt if you cancelled one that you set up?

UCSB does not consider an applicants level of interest in their admission decisions. Touring or not touring will not make a difference.

thanks. do any of the ucs consider it? or slo?

None of the UC’s nor SLO consider an applicants level of interest in their admission decisions and they the do not accept Letters of continued interest from waitlisted applicants either.

My son was waitlisted here – and he’d love to go.

We just received a financial aid package offer – but he’s still noted as waitlisted.

Any idea if this is a normal process? Or does it potentially mean some good news is coming?

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Do you know how students are admitted off the waitlist? Do they rank or is it random?

The waitlist according to the CDS is not ranked.

No 2021 Waitlist stats since UCSB has not posted their CDS.

2020 Waitlist stats:
Number of applicants waitlist: 9885
Number of applicants accepting the waitlist: 6342
Number of applicants admitted: 6103

2019 Waitlist stats:
Waitlist Offers: 8,863
Waitlist Opt-Ins: 5,865
Waitlist Admits: 604

thank you! So you are saying that UCSB likely pulls those off the waitlist randomly instead of ranking based on academic performance or other objective criteria? If it is random, then that definitely changes our expectations for our D22 getting called.

UCSB does state they do not rank but I am sure there is a method to the madness so to speak. If there spots open for a specific Engineering major, then they pull from the students in that major. For the College of Letters and Sciences, since they do not admit by major, only admissions will know how they will prioritize the waitlist admits.