UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

My understanding is that UC’s do not accept counselor letters or reports. You are welcome to contact UCSB admission and ask.

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My application was denied, so I am going to write an appeal.

I called admissions today, and the kind lady I spoke to gave me a quick rundown. With the circumstances I faced, she said I could write about my diagnosis as an answer to either of the two questions (500 character limit/question is minimal, so I am planning to answer both questions talking about the diagnosis so the admission officers would get a better understanding on how resilient I am and how much it has impacted me). When asked if I needed to upload documents, she said, "if it says so, "which I assume I need to provide documentation. Thank you for the reassurance, and I will update you within the next few months! SB has been my dream school for years, and with me finally feeling better and understanding the appeal process, my hope of getting in vastly increased! If rejected, I plan to go to either UC Davis or UC San Diego.
Thank you @Gumbymom! :slight_smile:


Is there any data on waitlist admits for instate and OOS?
Some UCs like ucla seem to admit a lot of OOS waitlist students. Curious to find out what UCSB does.

I have never found any data on waitlist admits by residency for any UC’s. The UC’s will admit OOS applicants if the do not meet their target numbers and this can vary year to year. UCLA may had more OOS admits last year but that is not always true each year especially since the mandate of the 18% cap.


@Gumbymom Son is waitlisted at UCD and UCSB, does that mean he is waitlisted for his first choice major? His first choice is mechanical engineering and he put down his second major for either math or physics in school of science. When getting off of the waitlist, would it be admission to the first choice major or still a possibility to be admitted into second choice? Thank you.

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Students are waitlisted based on their primary major but may be admitted off the waitlist with either the primary major or alternate. UCSB may even admit Undeclared from the waitlist.

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Hi there, I was just wondering if you have any general advice for those who were waitlisted? I’m considering writing a LOCI as it’s my top choice and I’d like to show my interest. Thanks so much!

UCSB no longer accepts LOCI’s or any other documentation from waitlisted students. You need to just opt into the waitlist and move on to your other school acceptances.

UC’s also do not consider an applicant’s level of interest in their application review.

Please review the FAQ link on the 1st post of this discussion.

Do you use Letters of Continued Interest in the waitlist selection process?
No, we do not use Letters of Continued Interest to select students from the waitlist. To express interest
in the waitlist, you must simply opt in to the waitlist by the deadline (April 15 for freshmen and May 15
for transfers).

I think I already know the answer but did anyone just receive a financial aid offer email? My daughter was waitlisted but we just received an email regarding financial aid. I’m guessing all waitlisted students still receive aid info in case they eventually get accepted.


We are waitlisted and received that email too.


Yes. My daughter got that this afternoon. If you look at the third paragraph (or so – don’t remember exactly), it mentions that all waitlisted students get that email. I guess they prepare for all just in case they need it.

That’s interesting as I didn’t receive the email? I double checked and am definitely on the waitlist.

Maybe check your spam/promotions tab? Or it’s possible that SB hasn’t finished preparing aid for all students yet.

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Hi there, I was wondering about majors concerning the waitlist. It is my understanding that students who are waitlisted could be admitted into their alternate major or “Undeclared” should they not get into their primary major. Would being waitlisted for an impacted major (e.g. computer science) make someone less likely to be admitted into the campus as a whole, or would it not matter because everyone is considered for “Undeclared” anyway?

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If you are waitlisted, you are waitlisted for your Primary major which is Computer Science. If you selected an alternate major in the College of Letters and Sciences, then you could be admitted into that major from the waitlist or sometimes Undeclared. Computer Science is a direct admit major and since it impacted, it is less likely to get into an impacted major from the waitlist. However, if UCSB wants to admit you off the waitlist they will consider the alternate or Undeclared, just realize that changing into CS will probably not be an option.


I heard from my counselor they compare you to other students in your school; is this true? Also, so is the waitlist done major to major then? I applied for philosophy and I haven’t heard of a lot of people applying for it.

The College of Letters and Sciences does not take into account your major for admission purposes but if admitted off the waitlist, you will be placed into a major. As long as the major is not impacted, you are free to change majors in the College.

These are the selective majors in the L&S:
▸ Biology
▸ Dance
▸ Economics and Economics & Accounting
▸ Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
▸ Music, B.M.
▸ Physics

For the original application review, yes they take into account your HS and your fellow HS applicants.

For the waitlist, most schools will admit based on their institutional needs (however they define it). The majority of majors are found in the College of Letters and Sciences so most of the waitlist admits would be from this College.

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I see, understood; but then let’s say two people are waitlisted from the same school under L&S with two different majors. Would they be compared against eachother, as they’re not compared by major?

The UC’s do not list their rationale on how or why they select the waitlist admits. It is out if your hands so all you can do is opt in and move on. You have about a month to get excited about your acceptances before most schools will have show any waitlist action.

  1. What are my chances of getting admitted to UCSB from the waitlist?
    That is difficult to predict. The number of students admitted from the waitlist varies greatly from year to year. Admission will depend on how many admitted students accept UCSB’s offer of admission. Applicants who have chosen to be on our waitlist may or may not be offered admission.
  1. Will I know my place on the waitlist?
    No. We do not rank students on the waitlist as we consider all of these students to be academically strong candidates.

@CaliMomFor2 my son just got that FA letter. Seems almost like a tease to get that letter and be on the waitlist

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