UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

They said it could go all the way into August.

Wow. That’s crazy. Thanks for the update.

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Apparently ucla and berkeley WL could go into August as well…on CC threads for those schools it was mentioned

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Berkeley can’t go too far into August. Fall instruction begins on August 23.

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My daughter just heard back - appeal not approved. Sigh.

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Its tough but their loss. One big concern with UCSB is housing. Great school location etc but housing is the worst. Have friends who are older and housing matters a lot.

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My son just got off the waitlist! We are in-state. UW 3.9 W 4.32 He was accepted into the Chinese language major in the College of L&S. He has until 6/14 to SIR


I got off the waitlist around 5 today for College of Letters and Science. I am instate. I have until 6/14 to submit my SIR and I intend to accept.


yay! welcome to ucsb :slight_smile:



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just got accepted for undeclared in state! does anyone know how housing works when being accepted this late? are freshman guaranteed housing?


Did you apply as an undeclared?

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Freshmen choose their housing arrangements in July this year, so you should still be fine

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a girl i know appealed and was accepted (this was about 2 or 3 weeks ago i’m pretty sure)—there’s definitely a chance!

Thanks. Sadly her appeal got declined. But she’s happy with the school she’ll be attending and it seems to be a great fit in many ways so that’s good. I’m pretty disappointed in the UC’s though.


Got in yesterday under Chemical Engineeing! In state, not sure whether to choose this or stick to ucsc (chemical enginering vs robotics enginering)


Which major would you prefer to pursue? What is more important to you, studying a subject of interest or attending a specific school which does not have your first choice major?

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I contacted admissions today and was told that waitlist will be wrapping up “in the next week.” My DS is committed to UCSD but would drop in a heartbeat if SB opened a spot.

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Just received a denial from UCSB in the portal.

Waitlist update. Rejected at 1:38 pm :woman_facepalming:

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