UC Santa Cruz Class of 2027 Official Thread

Have any of the admitted students been given a financial aid package yet? My daughter’s still isn’t there. We’re hoping to compare with other schools she is admitted to.

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They aren’t out yet. We looked last night and it had a message saying the FA isn’t yet available. My guess is later this week or next whenever they release the bulk of the decisions.


Wrong post - sorry

D23 is anxiously awaiting these results. It looks like last year prospective admits received an email saying results would be released by March 20th and they were released on the 15th. Hopefully, we will see something soon!


Nothing today for us and it should have been released at 1pm per earlier email. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!


Yes! Fingers crossed.

@Gumbymom, Is is strange that they haven’t done anything with regents awards yet>

I know that last year Regents showed up about a week after early admits so they are definitely behind schedule. I have seen some Scholar program invites so I would have expected Regents to be posted with the invites? After being on these discussion threads for the last few years, timelines can change yearly. FA packages for the Early admits are not out yet so maybe Regents will be posted with the FA packages???


Thanks. Son was one of the early admits and was invited to Scholar program but nothing about regents.

Hoping to hear something soon!

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So tomorrow might be the day then no? Because it was the 15th last year that all regular decisions were released.


I am a current student and no freshmen are not required to live on campus but 97% do.


What were her stats? I still haven’t heard. I emailed them and they said decisions for that could come as late as june.

Check portal results posted


I just checked the portal and the decisions are posted. My kid got into ba biology


What was their stats?

does it say the (proposed major biology)?


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DS23 got waitlisted for CS.

@blessusgod @MrCheapo

Students are admitted to UCSC with a “proposed major” in most cases, and later petition to officially declare the major. Admission to UCSC does not guarantee acceptance into a particular major. Students must be declared in a major by the end of the second year (or equivalent), so learning about and preparing for a major is a primary goal for first-year students.

Advising for each major will have a list of required courses (major qualification requirements) to take to declare the major.

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Yes it does

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