UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion


Where did u find this data?

I do not have any specific details regarding GPA thresholds for majors at UCSC other than what was posted earlier in this discussion for Engineering. I am sure there is some criteria for admitting students into the non-Engineering majors however, students are admitted into a proposed major and are free to take the pre-req courses to declare another major upon enrolling so impaction status only applies to Engineering/CS majors currently.

Here are some selective/impacted/popular majors:
All Engineering/CS majors
Biological Sciences
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Environmental Studies


According to the website, the change of major drop down is only for current students. Newly admitted students cannot use the online form.

From the UCSC website:

Students who are already attending UCSC can update their proposed major online. (If you have been admitted to UCSC but have not yet attended, please do not use this form; you may update your proposed major through MyUCSC.)

If you want to change your proposed major after being admitted, you need to contact admissions and they can tell you what the procedure is for changing your proposed major. Many times as a newly admitted student, you will need to attend Freshman orientation and then work with your academic advisor before changing. I would confirm with admissions first.


Echoing others above- for those posting results today, were they posted/emailed today or results from yesterday? Thanks!


I’m not sure - she didn’t check her portal till mid-morning today. She still hasn’t received an email just the portal update.


I have not seen UC’s post admission decisions on the weekend so the decisions have been on the portal since yesterday and students are just checking now as stated above. ^^^^


Son got in for Business. He just checked his email and it was posted to his portal yesterday.

In State/non local
4.0 UW
4.5 W
4.19 CSU GPA
3- AA’s from CC by dual enrollment (Bus Admin/Econ/Social Behavioral Science)
homeschooled through CA charter school

SDSU (This is choice #1)
Cal Poly SLO

Arizona State U
U of Arizona
U of Denver
U of Utah
U of Colorado Denver
Colorado State U
Northern Arizona U


Can you provide a link to this source? Where did you find it? Thanks.

You cannot apply for housing until you accept your admission and enroll.

During the online admission acceptance process you will be asked to: Rank your top five college preferences. You may also choose to indicate “no preference. Or Indicate a preference for university housing.

Late-May for new freshmen

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Check out the Admissions Funnel dashboard on the UCSC Institutional Research website


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When did the admission details come in?

Man, this is a frustrating process! Seems little rhyme or reason at times…

This is the second to last decision we are waiting on. Student already accepted to 18/20 schools w/ several honors program invitations, just waiting on Whitman (RD) and UCSC.

4.0 UW / 4.6 W; ELC; In-State (in town :grimacing:); Undeclared L&S

May the odds be ever in your favor?


What are top two choices?

So if you had, say a 2.7 senior GPA, but ended up with a 3.5 cumulative GPA, you’ld be fine ?

Edit : saw the other reply about ucla/ucb. Thx!

“UCLA and UCB have required a 3.0 unweighted cumulative GPA Senior year, no more than 2C’s, no D’s or F’s to keep your acceptance.”

Thx - very useful info!

By “cumulative GPA senior year” - i presume you mean grades accumulated across all senior year courses ?

(Not - cumulative across high-school grade 9-12, including senior year courses).

If you had a 4.0 weighted GPA when admitted to UCSC, you need to maintain a minimum 3.0 weighted GPA for Senior year,

Yes, cumulative GPA across Senior year. Your acceptance letter should spell out the conditions of your admission for all schools.


Just Curious - i would imagine there are some cases every year where students dont reach the threshold and their admissions are cancelled.

What do these students do ? Can they go back to some of the schools they had turned down in May and request readmits ?

Still waiting on some competitive scholarship decisions (and UCSC), but top 5 are looking like the following - in no particular order:

  • Willamette (accepted into Data Science ’3+1’ program; received Presidential scholarship, waiting on additional Studio Art scholarship decision).
  • Gonzaga (accepted into Honors program; received Trustee and Gonzaga Leaders scholarships).
  • Saint Mary’s College of California (accepted into Honors program; received Presidential scholarship, waiting on additional Theater Tech scholarship decision).
  • Cal Lutheran (received Regents scholarship; invited to interview for full-tuition scholarship & Honors program).
  • University of Puget Sound (accepted into Honors program; received Trustee scholarship).