UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

I got the invite, there is no money attached.

All admissions decisions are not out. An initial wave came out last Friday. That’s it so far. More to come.


I think the initial wave was a very small percentage. Most will come out in the next 2 weeks


I’ve been trying not to read too much into it, but my child didn’t receive the early admit, although 91% of students with in his capped weighted GPA category (4.38) were accepted to Santa Cruz in 2021. Do you or maybe Gumbymom have any insights on this? I’m kind of trying to rule out whether something went wrong with his application–or maybe I’m just obsessively helicoptering again. Thanks.


You aren’t alone !


worried about the same thing.


I certainly don’t have gumbymom’s expertise, but wouldn’t it stand to reason that UCs do a version of yield protection too? And seeing as most of the UCs know each other’s “personalities” better than we ever could, they might be guessing that a bright student with specific ECs may be a better fit for another campus?

So no from UCSC but yes from UCB or UCLA or UCSB, etc.?

My guess is that my DS was admitted because he was in a less impacted major (math), OOS (that sweet OOS money :moneybag:), with a decent GPA (4.2). But to me, this also means he may be less likely to get into Davis or Irvine (not to mention UCLA).

I think the UCs are hedging their bets on where these superlative students wish to land….


Although we hear that UC’s don’t yield protect, I suppose “choosing students who seem like a good fit” is pretty much the same thing, don’t you think?

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@DeannaJo: The UC’s will yield manage more than yield protect but there are many more decisions that will be posting in the next few weeks including top stat students such as yours. Last year, I did see several high stat applicants get accepted early but others were accepted later in March. I do not know the rhyme or reason on how some UC campuses decide to release their decision results and pretty much have given up trying to understand some school’s decision process and timeline. The UC’s do look for “fit” as defined in their terms and it is especially true for UC Davis and Santa Cruz.

I have posted this before but just a reminder regarding admissions from the UC counselor’s Conference:

Several factors and variables can influence selection. What is most important to know is that selection looks different at every campus!
• Selection can even look different from year to year for the same campus.
• Things like enrollment capacity (campus size impacts how many students can enroll) and enrollment targets for each campus are factored into selection.
• Campuses use multiple factors when selecting students and the way campuses select students varies.
• It is to the student’s advantage to include as much information as possible on the application.
• Every student is considered in the context of their own environment which includes, but is not limited to, school, family and geographic region.
• Students are also considered within the context of the applicant pool for each campus.
• Each campus will complete their own individual review of the application independently of one another, which means that they’re going to review the information in the application and select students without asking what the other campuses have decided.
• Each campus selects students independently.


Great info. Thank you Gumbymom


were only the students offered GSP honors program notified of acceptance Friday?

It looks like some students that were admitted Friday received the GSP Honors program invite but not all.

Yea, I was admitted Friday for global economics but didn’t get the GSP Honors invite.


My son was admitted last week but no honors college invite. I received a congratulatory email as a parent.


@Gumbymom thank you for all of this info!

I do think that to a certain extent. What is it they say about walking and quacking like a duck? :sweat_smile:

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I’m an in-state with a 4.07 weighted UC gpa, and I applied to undeclared. Hopefully UCSC can finally cut to the chase and let me know if I got in!! Congrats to your DS for getting in!!


Thank you! Fingers crossed for you!:crossed_fingers:

what was his GPA for CS?

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This is an interesting discussion. And stressful for us parents. My daughter was admitted to UCR and UCM today. She was very thrilled. It certainly reduces the stress levels. She also has admissions to Sonoma State and University of Redlands (with a nice merit award). I think I did the calculations correctly but her unweighted GPA is a 3.94, capped weighted UC is a 4.21, and uncapped weighted UC GPA is a 4.7. She’s an ELC who is also getting an IB diploma. Lots of EC including high school and club soccer, mock trial, sustainibility club, CSF. She will have close to 20 weighted GPA AP/IB classes by graduation. I thought she wrote an extremely strong set of personal statements. Nothing yet from UCSC which is a bit surprising. We applied to all UCs and are still waiting to hear from Occidental, Pitzer, Santa Clara, Cal Poly, and USC. I can’t help but wonder that she looks identical to thousands of other kids on paper out there. I really feel for these kids. Very different world from when my wife and I attended UCD. Thanks for all the info! Good luck to all out there.