UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

In past years (look at older threads) when my older son was applying that is exactly what people posted on these admissions page so those of us that are waiting it out can get a better idea. Didn’t mean to be rude but you can see there is a page already created for this very purpose for Cal Poly SLO and yes the GPA is a better indicator for the state schools since they don’t have essays and all the other EC that the UC takes into account.


Gumbymom I know you set up a admission stats page for SLO 2026 Can you create one for UCSC because I know I offended another parent by asking so I guess this discussion page isn’t the place for that and I don’t want to upset people. Really appreciate all you do for us on this site during this stressful time!!


Shlok is trolling… you didn’t offend anyone.

Edit: it looks like the rude comment was deleted. @Gumbymom to the rescue?? If so, thank you!


I set up a stats page here


Sorry not responsible for removing the comment. Probably flagged and a Moderator took care of it or the poster edited it?

Thank you @lkg4answers for making the stats only thread. I made them last year for all the UC’s but still found most posters were posting their stats in the discussion page or they were having discussions in the Stats only thread.


D22 just received a merit scholarship from UCSC.


Here’s the text for the Merit Scholarship:

Dear Scholar,

On behalf of the University of California Regents and President Michael Drake, I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive a Campus Merit Scholarship at UC Santa Cruz. Your notable academic achievements and other accomplishments have placed you among the top first-year students admitted to UC Santa Cruz. We have confidence in your ability to undertake and complete with distinction a rigorous course of study at the University.

As a Campus Merit Scholar, you are eligible to receive $8,000 paid evenly over four years ($2,000 paid annually). Please review the details covering renewal criteria and terms of the award accompanying this communication. To accept your scholarship at UC Santa Cruz, you must be admitted and have accepted your offer of admission by May 1, 2022.

Please accept my congratulations on behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of the Santa Cruz campus. We look forward to welcoming you as a Campus Merit Scholar at UC Santa Cruz in fall 2022.


Cynthia Larive


Congrats on this! Terrific.

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Thanks! She’s flattered but she still has her heart set on UCSB. We’ll see!


Ahhh I have my heart set on UCSD. Fingers crossed for us!


Ditto to poster above. D22 got offered the exact same scholarship today. Maybe UCSC is making an effort to land these students and not lose them to other high profile UCs perhaps. Dont know the reason but that was a very gratifying email for we as parents more than my D to read. D does not know or appreciate it fully but this was hard earned recognition and since my D dint factor money into the equation while applying to colleges and so this a kind of validation for all the hardwork we saw her put in.


Regents for UCSC is out. I got Regents as an in state Computer Engineering major.



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Congrats :tada::champagne::confetti_ball:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Looks like Regents and the College Scholars Program are separate. I got into both.

Hoping for the best for the other UCs.


Anyone else hoping more decisions come out today? It’s been a week since the first wave.


YES ! Would love to get just one positive admissions decision to get us through the weekend lol


always rooting for decisions to come out!


My S received an email from UCSB yesterday that said their freshman decisions were all going out on March 22nd. I think that is a much nicer way to do admissions vs hearing of people that get in each week and the students just left wondering each week with UCSC admissions.