UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

I’ve been patiently waiting for 3 pm today… and then I just looked back and noticed that last week’s Friday announcements came in right before noon. Oh well…


Me too!

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We ended up canceling our Santa Cruz hotel. Can’t justify the expense to visit if we don’t know about admission. It doesn’t help that literally everyone my child knows who applied got the early admit. And by stats his chances are high. I wonder if UCSC Spidey Sensed that it’s not his top choice?


My friends son got early admit but has no plans on attending.
Safety for him


I think its smart to not spend money to visit schools when you don’t have a decision. That said UCSC decisions will be out completely by the 19th I think so perhaps book a hotel for spring break with free cancellation and see what happens. Of course, if you are OOS and UCSC is near the top of the list, might be a different calculation.


Thanks! Unfortunately our spring break is the week of March 14, so we are not in a good position in relation to UC acceptance dates.


Oh sorry. Our spring break is the last week of March.

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Well deserved

Hi all! I just realized that I think that April 16 Banana Slug day is virtual! We absolutely need to visit the campus before any decision to attend. (We are OOS and have never been there).

Has anyone signed up for campus tours? I just found this on a website: “Admitted students for fall 2022 have received a link to sign up for available tours via their UC Santa Cruz email addresses.” Does anyone know the dates and are these sessions already full? I would assume not if all admissions are not even released yet! My child is not home right now–as soon as he’s home I will ask him to find this email, but any info is appreciated.


Wow. There weren’t many days. And my kid has lots of other commitments, too. Scheduled for March 30–middle of the week! Only one guest allowed.

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We attended the tour in 2018 - parking on Campus is very limited so they tend to do admitted tours over multiple days/times(or did then). I would HIGHLY recommend a tour - as we tried to self tour several times and it is very hard to find people/places just driving/walking around. It is an amazing campus - like walking around a national park - but not for everyone - so if it is a top consideration definitely try to visit in person. We did not attend the “Slug Day” - but the tour was a worth it. My D18 did not end up attending but it was in her top 2 - and are hoping it is a consideration for D22.


Well, it’s Monday. And 10 days since the first “round” of admit decisions. Will more come today ? This wait is nerve-wracking!


I’m not counting on it.

Is there a chance that portals would be updated without an email alert? I ask because I don’t have D22’s log in… lol

After the high-stats admit round on the 25th, @Gumbymom noted that last year saw

A trickle of acceptances 1st week in March and then more decisions posted March 15th (link)

(@Gumbymom also noted that they change it yearly, so it’s hard to predict.)

At the time that felt like it would never get here, but as we haven’t seen other activity, I’m using the 15th as my Eeyore-ish “probably not today” date. (Would love to be wrong, of course!)


It’s disheartening to have what I think of as a high stats child not get admitted in the high stats round. :face_exhaling: This system sucks. Or maybe just the methodology for handing out decisions has not caught up with how much access we have to each other. I think ignorance was bliss.


Depends on the major as well. High-stat kid applied to CS probably takes longer …

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I’m sorry! If it helps, I feel similarly. By the stats, my 4.0/4.38 child should have a 91% chance at UCSC but didn’t get the early admit. I’m surprised at how bent out of shape I am about it. (I don’t share that with him; it wouldn’t be helpful). Plus, logistically, time is running out for tours–which so far are offered only to admitted students. Our spring break is next week.


Is that your child’s UC GPA?


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Feeling the same way! S22 with similar stats and radio silence from UCSC. Frustrating!