UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

It was in spam. Yikes. Will have to tell her to be diligent about checking spam. Thanks.


FWIW, UCLA will likely release on Friday 3/18. But it’s not unheard of to have two UC’s release on the same day.


Deleted. Never mind! :slight_smile:

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In 2020, UCI and UCLA released within an hour of each other on the 3rd Friday of March.


We, sadly and unfortunately, didn’t include Santa Cruz in the campuses my son applied to (he applied to 4) – and we now regret the decision. Is it ever possible to see if there is availability – after the fact? He is top 9% if that matters at all? First time going through this – wish we would have done things a little differently – and I’m stressing about that now.

No, it would be too late for him to apply. Being ELC ( top 9%) means UC Merced as the default campus.

I hope your son gets into a school that makes him happy! If he doesn’t like his options, would you consider a gap year and reapplying next year? Or do CC for two years and apply as a transfer student? If it makes you feel any better, I have some regrets about decisions we made, as well. You do the best you can.


Thank you! Crossing all the things over here and am on pins and needles. After reading comments here, Reddit, Quora etc - I am terrified he won’t get accepted anywhere. It seems like this happens to highly qualified students all the time?? Did not even consider that possibility! Community College for 2 years & transfer would be what we’d do – and I think this is a valid and real option and don’t look down on it at all (it’s the road I took!) but just wanted different/more for him and I know he’d be crushed (crushed!) if everything was a no.


We’re in the same boat here, Jr. applied to the top 7 UCs and top 3 CSUs with 9 APs, great ECs, 3.6 UW/ 4.2 W HS GPA, so-so essays, in-state for CS and we’ve one waitlist (CPP) result so far and are seriously considering TAG route at a local CC as a valid option. Crazy low acceptance rates this year for impacted majors!

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This process is so very stressful. This is our second go round and we did add 5 additional schools to my daughters list this time around given the devastating outcome of my son’s experience 3 years ago. Footnote - he did land at the Barrett Honors College at ASU where he’ll graduate Suma Cum Laude in 3 years this May so it did turn out exceptionally well after a rough start. I think with each child we learn a little more - wishing you all positive outcomes or hope that they readjust and find their new path :heart:


How many schools did he apply to, in all? Just the four? And by the way… I also did the CC>transfer route and it works! I have all the mommy feels for you… I hope he gets into one of the schools he applied to. This is nauseating for us parents. Maybe more for us than the kids… we don’t like to see our babies disappointed.

ASU is a great school and they are still accepting applications for Fall 2022.


ASU is an awesome school with so many opportunities and flexibility to change majors along the way! The honors college offers a smaller school within a large university-Highly recommend as an option to UCs.


He applied to 7 in total – Cal Poly SLO, USC, Stanford, Cal Tech, Berkeley, UCLA, UCSB, UCD - I wish we added in some sure bets. On paper, qualifies for all. TONS of AP’s with increased rigor. Top 9%. Cal Grant recipient. He’s an excellent writer - so I think his essays would be considered well written (UC though does not give a lot of room!), probably is lacking in the ‘other interests’ – he’s in clubs but as a participant, not a leader. Just waiting to see now… :sob: :woman_shrugging:


Yeah, that’s a tough list with basically no safeties. He looks like an excellent candidate so hopefully one of them will come through. In the worst case scenario, UCM will be available to him since he is in the top 9%.

What major is he applying for?

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Same in 2021

For those for whom the CC + transfer route isn’t the right fit, Cal Poly Humboldt looks like they’re accepting applications through April 1st (more info here).


Environmental Science.

Since he’s already applied to Cal Poly SLO do you think he can just add on a campus?

in-state for CS and we’ve one waitlist (CPP) result so far and are seriously considering TAG route at a local CC

Is TAG not available for Computer Science major in certain or all UCs? Here’s the matrix to review: https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/files/tag-matrix.pdf

Humboldt is great for environmental science as well as natural resources, and it’s the new 3rd Cal Poly!

I think you just go into the CSU app and add it.