UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Did anyone not recieve an email… are they sending all the waitlist results today

I emailed admissions after getting the email this evening and they replied to check the portal after 11 am tomorrow.

Bio major


We did not…Psych major

my friend didn’t

anyone with an unpopular/ non-impacted major get the email?

i need one of u CS majors to hack into the portal or something


is science education counts as an unpopular major

no idea…do u have high stats?

low stats lmao… I did really bad during my sophmore and junior year

oh god

I thought not hearing from the WL was bad, but this is absolute next level war crimes torture!!!


i fell like this is going to be a rejection wave im a cs/cs game design alt :smiling_face_with_tear:

nooooooooo ugh someone pls tell me that they have an unpopular major and high stats

We received same email.

How many did NOT receive one?


And I’ve checked 754 times


do u have high stats?

yeah, I really hope they don’t pull a UCSD on us lol

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idk but I have gpa 3.76 weighted and unpopular major cry

4.21 weighted but in CS. I think I might be done for.

i have a 4.54 in human bio rip

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