UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

i’m not CS; I’m human bio.

Should we call them… or just wait… IDK, Is the admission office close now?

do we think it’s bad news? i thought it would be good I don’t see why they’d email some ppl rejections right now if they’re not all the same major

they’re closed. what was ur major?

We did not receive an email :woman_shrugging:t2:

yea and plus UCSC is notorious for giving late admissions off the waitlist. One of my friends last year got off in July and another in mid/late June so idk

kinda forgot( I put in different major for different UCs… Education science or Bio

do u mind checking? i hope it’s not bio since that would imply rejection of capped majors

maybe its taking a while to update since they sent out a lot of emails?

I talked to a couple friends who got the email and it seems to be peeps that (in a normal year) would be near the top of the pile so let’s be hopeful

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are they all impacted majors?

My majors were Science Education and Environmental science

maybe i applied for cs and i got the email

2 were, 1 wasn’t

are those impacted/popular?

can they just put us out of our misery already, this is cruel😭


This is so painful…sending out an email telling us we have an update while not telling us a result :sob: I wont be sad if you tell me I am reject but the waiting process hurts


Daughter got the email too with no status change. She’s a Global Econ major.

did anyone else who got the email send a LOCI?

i sent a loci but they said they dont take those into consideration