UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Oh, sorry! Thank you :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s great!! how long did it take to get off the waitlist? I was informed today it wouldnā€™t be until May.


Although some students were notified the week prior, my kid got notified last year on May 21st (a Friday) and was given seven days to decide.


My older daughter (class of 2024) got off the waitlist for UCSB (not UCSC) about a week before May 1st deadline, so I think some of the kids toward the top of the UC waitlists get pulled off of it before May 1st

So far this year is feeling a lot rougher to meā€¦Second daughter waitlisted for UCSC (along with several of her friends who are very strong students). Daughter #2ā€™s GPA is about 4.06 weighed (vs older daughters whose was closer to 4.2), but itā€™s been rougher than I expected - looking at the range for 2021 I figured she had a good shot with UCSC. However looking at the increase in applications I think thatā€™s part of the reason.

Any idea what % of those applications were transfer vs FTF ?

It was certainly easier to get in to some of these schools for class of 2022, but starting college remote for the full first year due to a pandemic was not something I would wish for any kid who didnā€™t choose it out of preference

All waitlist data is Freshman not transfers.

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Is there a possibility of waitlist movement prior to April 30?

Yes, if enough admits decline their enrollment before the SIR May 1 date.

No, it isnā€™t there
Weird, it is on this one but not my previous one.

I really feel for you having to go through the waitlist process again. My daughter also went through this two years ago with 3 WLā€™s but was lucky to get UCSB which was her top choice. I sense the waitlists this round are larger than years past, I could be wrong.

I wish you and your daughter the best of luck and fingers crossed that waitlist offers will come in sooner than later. The only comfort is that housing is guaranteed for freshman at UCSC (unlike the situation at UCSB).


I got waitlisted at ucsc, but luckly got into UCSD.


Reviewing last yearā€™s thread on when candidates on the waitlist were notified (and converting to 2022 dates) it looks like we can expect to hear about waitlist on 5/6, 5/20 and 6/3 and waitlist rejections came out on 7/24.


Just curious. Is anyone denied admission automatically on the waitlist or is there a difference between WL and rejection?

No one on the waitlist is denied automatically. You are required to opt into the waitlist for consideration so you if you do not want to be on the waitlist, then you can decline.

A waitlist is a soft rejection but still have a chance for an acceptance if spots open up.

A rejection/denial is just that, you have been denied admission and other than appealing your denial you have no recourse and no expectations of getting accepted.

What is the waitlist?
The waitlist is for applicants who were not offered admission due to enrollment limitations but who are considered excellent candidates for admission should space become available in the current admission cycle. Being on the waitlist is not a guarantee of receiving an offer of admission at a later date.

Can I appeal your decision?
Once all waitlist activities have concluded, students not offered admission from the waitlist will receive a final decision and may submit an appeal at that time. In addition, there is no appeal to be invited to join or be admitted from the waitlist.

For information on submitting an appeal after receiving a final denial, please see our Appeal Information page.

How did you select students to be offered the waitlist option?
Students offered the waitlist option were selected as the best-qualified students who could not be offered admission because of enrollment limitations. All 13 faculty-approved selection criteria were taken into account when making that determination.

Am I on the waitlist automatically?
No. If you have received a waitlist offer from UCSC, that means that you were granted an option to be on the waitlist. You need to tell us if you want to be placed on the waitlist. Hereā€™s how to accept your waitlist option:

  • Under the menu in the MyUCSC portal, click on the Waitlist Option link.
  • Click the button indicating ā€œI Accept My Waitlist Option.ā€

Once youā€™ve completed that step, you should receive an immediate acknowledgment that youā€™ve accepted your Waitlist Option. You MUST respond by March 21 (freshmen). For the transfer student waitlist deadline, please check your my.ucsc.edu portal.


Thanksā€¦ so there is a difference. Appreciate the full info.

Curious what major your son applied for? Mine is also waitlisted.

My daughter was also waitlisted in psychology at UCSD, UCSB, and UCSC. Fingers crossed one opens up, as those are her top choices


hereā€™s the data including 2022! UCSCā€™s applications increased by 10,000 in 2 years.

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Thank you, I have posted this information on several of the UC discussion threads for reference.

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In another parent group, someone posted that their child (OOS) was offered admission from the waitlist. Has anyone else heard about UCSC accepting off the waitlist?

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2 students, one an EE major, announced they were accepted off the waitlist yesterday on Reddit

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