UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Oos or Californian?

After some sleuthing, it looks like OOS and transfers :sweat_smile:


Anyone know if there is a way to submit Fall semester grades to UCSC as a waitlisted student? S22 took his hardest classes this year and did well in the fall.

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UCSC does not accept Senior grade updates for waitlisted students. Opt into the waitlist and move on the schools that accepted you. If grade updates were an option, it would have been part of the waitlist opt in process.

From the Waitlist FAQ:
I had good grades and took a broad range of challenging courses at my prior high school or community college. Why wasn’t I admitted?
Far more students apply to UC Santa Cruz than we can possibly admit. UC Santa Cruz is a selective campus and many qualified students are unable to be offered admission.

Waitlisted here! Robotics Eng (but planning to do EE since RE isn’t ABET accredited). 3.6 unweighted 10-12 GPA, 4.1 UC weighted. No APs, but 20 heavily math focused dual-enrollment courses (following their TAG course pattern). Tons of ECs and a TA position. I knew I was a little shaky on grades going in, but I’ve just got my fingers crossed they offer me admission this cycle since they’re my first choice.


My daughter was also waitlisted, this was her #1 in-state school, does it help/hurt to write admissions to say its her first choice if she were to get off the waitlist?

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UCSC does not accept any documentation from waitlisted students nor do they consider an applicants level of interest. If denied from the waitlist, then you can submit an appeal.

I heard UCI started accepting off the waitlist last week. Has anyone heard anything from UCSC?

Not us

 (unfortunately, but wasn’t expecting before May 1st) :weary:


UCSB started accepting off the waitlist
c’mon Santa Cruz!!! :crossed_fingers:t2:


When I spoke to someone in the admissions office a few weeks ago, they suggested that it would be the 2nd or 3rd week of May - at the earliest - when they would notify people on the waitlist of any movement.


Thank you for that update!

Not sure if this is helpful - but my daughter’s best friend was accepted off the waitlist on May 7th last year. If they’re on the same schedule this year, maybe it will be later this week?


Was that for UC Santa Cruz?

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From my earlier research, tomorrow will be the first wave.
“Reviewing last year’s (2021) thread on when candidates on the waitlist were notified (and converting to 2022 dates) it looks like we can expect to hear about waitlist in three waves 5/6, 5/20 and 6/3 and waitlist rejections came out on 7/24.”


:crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: Here’s hoping we all get amazing news before the weekend!


UC Davis just started admitting students off their waitlist. Best of luck to all waiting for UCSC.


Thank you for all you do with updates and reliable information @Gumbymom !


Anyone receive anything yet?