UC Santa Cruz or UC Berkeley? (Out-of-State)

I should start by saying I’m an Arizona resident, but due to personal reasons I’d like to attend college out of state. I was almost completely prepared to go to UCSC, but a couple weeks ago I was surprised to find out I was accepted into both Berkeley and Tufts University. All that kind of threw a wrench in my plans. Tufts is just too far away for me, so I’m between UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz.

I know it’s kind of a weird question; Berkeley seems like the obvious choice at first glance. But considering this is just my undergraduate degree and I plan to go to graduate school, I don’t know how much it matters where specifically I get my Bachelors degree from. Especially since I’ve also heard that Berkeley is infamous for the difficulty of its undergrad program(weeding classes, GPA deflation, crazy-huge class sizes, cutthroat competition, etc.). I have autism (and not the kind that makes me a genius!), so I’m a bit worried about how I’ll function in that kind of atmosphere…but at the same time, I’m scared I’d be passing up an incredible opportunity if I don’t attend.

As for the campuses, I’ve visited both and loved them, but I think I slightly prefer the location of Santa Cruz.

Money isn’t much of an issue, but I still want to be sure I’m making the wisest investment. I know I’m going to have to pay a lot with both choices since I’m a nonresident, but Santa Cruz has offered me 10k a year. On the other hand, I’d argue the prestige of Berkeley puts it up there with Ivy-ish private schools that charge that much anyways.

My planned major is Physics with a focus in Astronomy and a potential minor in music (viola/violin). I’m very interested in pursuing research opportunities (which I know both schools offer extensively in Astrophysics, but I feel like there’s definitely way less competition at Santa Cruz).

Overall, I’m more comfortable with the size, location, and atmosphere of UCSC, but I’m reluctant to completely pass over Berkeley just because of its stressful reputation. What do you guys think?

UC Santa Cruz would be a great choice in terms of location and more personalized experience. Add to that a 10k a year scholarship/merit and it seals the deal. Every person with autism is so completely different but if you have some of the traits it is known for a cut throat ,super stressful environment is not preferable. Also the big fish smaller pond would be helpful to get noticed at Santa Cruz, get individualized help and connections and prep for graduate school. The beauty and the places to get away near Santa Cruz are calming. I know it sounds crazy to give up Berkeley but only attend if you really can see yourself there. You shouldn’t worry about prestige but instead the learning atmosphere and the social situation which will enable you to thrive

Speaking for Berkeley -

  • it can be a stressful environment, especially if you are going for a grade. But probably true for any elite school.
  • haven’t seen any GPA deflation yet with my kid - it’s the opposite in fact, where a 50% gets you an A in some classes. Those type of classes are curved, such that a certain number of students get As, get Bs, get Cs, so I suppose there might be other classes where too many students get over 90% and thus you get your “grade deflation”, but I haven’t seen any so far.
  • lectures can be huge, but discussions are always between 25-50 people. Usually around 30. For some classes, the lectures are webcasted, so students wind up watching most lectures from home (or wherever).
  • Berkeley’s DSP (Disabled Student Program) is surprisingly top-notched for students with disabilities (autism can count as a disability). They really look after everyone and have their own programs for success and get-togethers and the like.

You should peruse through some of the other threads in the Berkeley sub-forum to get a sense on things.

That is a difficult choice if you are GPA conscious. However, if you perform well at UCB with a good GPA, you should be able to get into a very good graduate school. As you know, with all the Nobel Prize winners, UCB has one of the top physic departments in the country or even the world. You have a chance to interact with some of the best in the world. UCSC, as part of the UC system, is fairly well respected and is a great college. Good luck.

Both of your UC options are great. As you note, the student experience is quite different. Both SC and B could be described as ‘not for everyone’. It sounds like Santa Cruz is a better fit for you. Go there and don’t look back and never apologize for the missed opportunity. The 10k cost difference is also a significant motivator.
good luck

UCSC has been highly ranked for research impact in physics, based on citation impact:

Don’t disregard your comfort level, and consider both the town and the campus. I think Berkeley guarantees housing for only one year, so you’ll have to live off campus for the majority of your school years.

Thank you all for your input! After several weeks and MANY hours of consideration, I’ve decided to accept admission to Santa Cruz. It’s probably the most difficult decision I’ve ever made thus far, but I truly believe it is the best option for me at this point in my life. Wish me luck!

Congratulations on your decision and I do wish you luck!


I just saw this post and am wondering how you are doing at UCSC now that you have 1.5 years of experience so far. My son just got into UCSC and it is one of his top choices but with several more schools to go in giving out acceptance notifications.

This person hasn’t been back to CC in quite a while. You might post this on the UCSC forum where more people will see it.