**UC Santa Cruz Waitlist Class of 2025**

Sure hope they release some sort of news today. Can’t understand why some schools are so quick on the turn around and others not-so-much.

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friend heard back for cs


yup he checked at 11:55ish

Dang. Nothing for my daughter but she is Marine Bio and perhaps they have already filled that major. Good luck to everyone!

perhaps but we have only heard from one person that got anything so far today, so i dont think its a deluge (yet)!

Nothing for me yet

Daughter got admitted into Comp Engg today


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that only the school of engineering at ucsc admits by major! Don’t give up hope yet!!!

Not giving up, just getting tired :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I feel the EXACT same way at this point. I just want to know where to register for classes!!!

the uncertainty is hard on the soul! it’d be nice if to know where everyone stands by now… be patient everyone and hold on. It’s a bumpy landing but everyone will end up in the right place.


Not that many people got off the waitlist which makes me think that they’re all done filling up their spots. Pretty much lost all hope now

My son got accepted from the waitlist for CS today. They are only giving him until midnight tonight to decide, so it looks like they are working though the waitlist as quickly as they can.

congrats. wow that is a tight deadline.

Makes me think this was the last wave

That is a tight turn around. If this is the end let’s hope they can at least make it “official” and let everyone know. If that’s the case…

Did they send an email or did he find out by checking the portal?

He didn’t get an email, which was weird. He had messages waiting for him in his portal that weren’t there this morning. It happened about 11:30am.

Congrats-quite the accomplishment!