**UC Santa Cruz Waitlist Class of 2025**

So relieved. He was was rejected UCLA, UCB, UCSB. Waitlisted at UCD, UCI and UCSC. Admitted UCSD but for his second choice major that he didn’t want. Brutal year. Good luck everyone.


so looks like a very tight window indeed. how are you supposed to know to check your portal? crazy if you ask me.

You become a portal stalker…the school holds all the cards

Just got off the waitlist for UCSC for psychology. Received an email at 5:08 pm and have until the 28th to decide.


So just to follow up, and to help others waiting that might want to know. Although it showed up on my son’s portal around 11:30am today, he also got an email at 5:08pm tonight. So, if you don’t check the portal during the day, it looks like the student will eventually get notified by email. But the turnaround is tight.

D got off from waitlist to CS-GD, but decided to go to OOS. Goodluck to those who are waiting to get off from the waitlist.


So you were only given until midnight tonight to make a decision (that seems insane!) but someone else in this thread has until the 28th? That’s so odd. But congratulations!

My D just got off the waitlist 20 min ago! Anthropology. She’s committed to SDSU and does not want to go anywhere else. We’re all happy at the fact that she got into a decent UC. :slight_smile:


My daughter also got off waitlist for psychology today too . The deadline in the email is 28th but the SIR letter says May 21st before midnight. Better double check your acceptance letter.

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Congrats! Both great and beautiful schools. Can’t go wrong – sounds like she’s excited about SDSU. Awesome.


How Silicon Valley of them. I hate it when I interview someone and they need my feedback ASAP because the candidate has another offer or so they say. Maybe only CS majors get this kind of high pressure hustle.

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I am not sure what’s a “decent” UC in your book. My son got into UCR and accepted. He’ll take a waitlist offer from UC Davis but he’s not interested in UCSC at this point. We are since it’s closer and more selective, but it’ll be a bone of contention if he actually gets off the waitlist.

Oh, and he got into SDSU. Nice campus (a little small for me). We saw both and it did not change his mind.


Honestly I’d bet that was an error for UCSC to put one date in the email and another in the letter. It’s too bad the office was probably closed before kids got the email – I’d be VERY surprised if the deadline is really tonight. If the email gives a later date, I’d say you have until a later date.

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I agree. A “decent” UC is in the eye of the beholder. Luckily kids want different experiences.


dang that’s kinda sad, was hoping I would get off the waitlist soon for psychology but i’m not sure if there’s any chance of that anymore

Did anyone get in for technology and info mgmt?

Hi there! I’m also a psych major and while I’m getting impatient, I’m trying not to lose hope lol cuz if they did a second wave today, hopefully some people turn it down and then there’s space for us in the next wave! Obviously we can’t guarantee anything and we should have our backup schools all ready and stuff, but there’s still a chance! But, I also understand how frustrating it is and I’m sorry you have to go through such a sucky year with college admissions :frowning: We’ll get through this!


How likely is it that there will be a 3rd wave in the next couple of weeks?

I don’t know if anyone knows the answer to that. They seem to release, give a week to respond and then wait another week before releasing anymore. So I suppose if they keep going along that route, the next wave would be in two weeks

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Did anyone get off the robotics engineering waitlist yesterday?