**UC Santa Cruz Waitlist Class of 2025**

D off waitlist yesterday for undeclared


Looking at the waitlist patterns of the past 3 years, most likely.

I got off the waitlist yesterday for my alt major computer engineering. Since they only gave until midnight to SIR I’m imagining they’re going to do multiple of these type of waves. Good luck to all still waiting!!


Congrats to everyone who recently got off the waitlist!! My daughter is still on for Psychology. Still hoping…

May I ask, those who were recently admitted, GPA? Just trying to see if that is how they admit. My daughter is on the waitlist for marin bio or undeclared. She is not a 4.0+ so just trying to get a guage. We are still hoping too.


I also don’t have a 4.0+ and am still on the waitlist for engineering.

I had a 3.4 UW and 3.7 W and I got off for ce. My stats and extracurriculars were really quite average so I wonder how they’re selecting people

UC weighted capped 3.9

Thank you. I guess that just confirms there is no telling :slight_smile: We will remain hopeful.

My daughter had 4.3 weighted Marine Bio
Lots of extracurricular. Not sure of unweighted

Wow, I can see why she was admitted-congrats!

Thanks. Pretty crazy year. Best of luck for your daughter!

I was admitted off the waitlist for computer science about two weeks ago. I had a 4.5 GPA and a 3.96 UW GPA

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Congratulations! What did you decide to do?

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Thank you so much! I decided to stick with UCLA. My parents along with other family members and friends got me quite a lot of UCLA gifts and I just got very heavily invested in everything UCLA related over these past two months. I have friends who committed to UCSC and I’ll definitely be visiting them! Part of me still feels like I should be a banana slug but I know I’ll be fine at UCLA.


So awesome! I remember you had been accepted to SLO, but I don’t think I heard about UCLA. Congratulations on getting into UCLA!

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Congratulations! That strikes me as an easy choice to make, though everyone’s different.

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Comp Sci at UCLA too? Congrats!
Strange that you admitted to UCLA but WL at UCSC?


Wishing all who are waitlisted good luck! Hope there are more admitted this week.