UC Students, How Many Credits Do You have?

<p>I sat down and planned my final year, and I realized that I will have about 297/310 units if everything goes well!</p>

<p>Even though I:
Am a double major
Changed Majors
Study abroad
Did lots of stuff on campus</p>

<p>I think this is insane! Will they kick me out??!!! I’m going to finish off in my designated 15 quarters. </p>

<p>So, how many units do you have?</p>

<p>what school do you go to? </p>

<p>and how many years have you been there?</p>

<p>I just finished my second year. Including my “in-progress” summer classes, I stand at 90/120 units-- which gives me a senior status as a 3rd-year. Two more years to go!
Surprisingly enough, none of my units came from AP scores (since I’ve never taken an AP exam in my life). And I’m not a double-major (though I wanted to double in art studio). My high unit count all came from college classes. I think I just went a bit overboard with the experimenting in different subjects (from astronomy to journalism to toxicology to meditation). Oh well, I’ve settled down now. :)</p>

<p>I go to a semester UC btw-- so the number of units required for graduation is less than what would be required at a quarter school. (I was a bit confused by your 310-figure haha).</p>

<p>…I thought the unit cap was 200 units, 240 for doublemajors. I dont think each school varies THAT much in unit caps O_o</p>

<p>Where DO you go, anyway?</p>

<p>unit caps vary from school to school, UC irvine does not have one, UCSD is at 200, and UCLA is at 216</p>

<p>I go to UCSC. The unit cap here is 235 for double majors or 15 quarters- which ever works for the student. The thing is…I’m going to need 2 more quarters and will graduate well above the 235 limit. More like around 290. </p>

<p>I’m going to have to write a letter to my provost + talk to the committee on educational policy to get my mess approved. I don’t see why I shouldn’t- I’m not taking fluff classes-I need these classes for my degree.</p>

<p>I was just a lost soul and poor planner. Lol.</p>

<p>ETA: I also saw this question on UCla’ lj page one time. The students who responded had units in the 280-310 range. They said that the UC didn’t care as long as you paid and were out by 6 years.</p>

<p>I have 52/230 units (Engineering cap for UCSD). I’m starting college in the fall.</p>

<p>does anyone know what the financial aid cap on units is for single vs double majors/minor?</p>

<p>i think you get financial aid with out hesitation, as long as your an undergrad</p>

<p>I have 20 units so if I want I can be a sophomore in the inter quarter if not till spring for 5 units</p>

<p>Started off with uh… 40something? units right off the bat.</p>

<p>Am now at 90something. :] IDK, too lazy to calculate. All I know is that probably by the end of my second year, I will have senior standing. Not like that means anything… LOL.</p>