UC TAG Information?

<p>Hello all!</p>

<p>I just recently took and passed the CHSPE. Thus, this permitted me to finish high school early. (3rd quarter of 11th grade) I enrolled into my CCC (DVC) about 2 weeks ago and registered for these classes for the Summer 2010 semester: </p>

<li>Sociology - 3 Credits </li>
<li>Fundamentals of Biology with Lab - 4 Credits </li>

<p>I want to get a TAG to UC davis. Assist.com is very confusing to me. Are these the right classes? They ARE UC transferrable. The TAG is changing in 2011 and they're no longer accepting Biology 1A/B/C. What classes should I take? I've scheduled a meeting with my counselor on the 17th of may by the way. Has anyone gone through TAG and can help me? This is my first semester at a CCC.
ANY information would be appreciated! </p>


<p>Do you have any idea in regards to possible majors? If you know you’re major, we can help you and make sure you’re choosing the right courses (prerequisites or major preparation) over at Diablo Valley that would fulfill the TAG.</p>

<p>Yes. I want to major in Biological Sciences. My backup is Computer Sciences. :smiley:
Thank You!</p>

<p>Hey vikram, my bad for not getting back to you yet through PM’s. I’ve been super busy with figuring things out for the fall. Anyway, I had/have a TAG to Davis, and it’s all relative to what major you’re planning to apply for. Are you applying to bio or sociology or something different?</p>

<p>Oops lol just saw ur second post.</p>

<p>Biological Sciences A.B. or Biological Sciences B.S.? lol</p>

<p>Biological Sciences B.S :slight_smile:
and no problem! It’s fine.</p>

<p>@ vikram: Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see that 4 unit Bio class listed as an option for TAG into the Biological Sciences B.S. Also, the sociology will work towards IGETC, but not as a requirement for a TAG. Either way, you’ll need a socio (or equivalent for IGETC) so that’s a good class to take.</p>

<p>Oh really? Okay. So I’ll drop that class. It’ll drop without a W and I’ll get a refund so it’s no problem.
Are there any other classes I can take this summer to fill in for Bio?
I’m really confused with the TAG. How do you figure out the 30 unit and 60 unit thing. They only give you 5 or 6 classes that you NEED to take. So how do you get 60 units with only these classes? Are there other classes that I should take? </p>

<p>Sorry I’m asking a lot of questions haha. I’m really confused. :/</p>

<p>No no! These are all great questions. Questions that I wish I had asked back when I was beginning. Ok so there’s two things you’re focusing on here:</p>

<p>TAG and transferring. </p>

<p>Transferring - You need 60 UC-transferrable units to transfer by the end of the spring b4 you begin at a UC in the fall. You mentioned that there may be only 5 or 6 classes you really need. With those classes, you may total about 20 units. That leaves 40 more for you to take IGETC classes. IGETC includes: 2 English courses, 1 math, 2 social sciences, 2 humanities, physical science, biological science + lab, and 2 years of foreign language. < can be done while in high school.</p>

<p>Let’s say you take BIOSC 130 at Diablo Valley. You’ll need this class btw. This will satisfy a requirement for TAG and part of IGETC (the biological science part). Thus, it works for both, and will count towards your 60 needed units. I recommend taking this class over summer.</p>

<p>Then, after that, you’ll want to follow in the sequence with BIOSC 131. Once you complete the 3 courses in the bio sequence, the 3 courses in the chem sequence, and 3 classes in the math sequence, you’re definitely good to TAG.</p>

<p>You don’t need to have all these courses done to transfer or get TAG. You just need 30 units and a good amount of them done. The science courses come in sequences, and what you don’t do at CCC, you’ll have to do at Davis. Once you hit 30 units with ( the bio sequence done, the chem sequence done, and math sequence done, you should be able to TAG. This totals 7 classes.</p>

<p>At least 1 bio, 3 chem, and 3 math. This is from assist.org:</p>

<p>Transfer students are strongly advised to complete as many preparatory courses
as possible for their major before enrolling at UC Davis. Preparing well for
the major helps students move efficiently toward graduation.</p>

<p>Transfer students MUST complete courses comparable to the following UC Davis
courses with a GPA of at least 2.5 for each of the three groups of courses.
Courses must be taken for a letter grade, with no grade less than “C”:</p>

<pre><code> Mathematics 16A,B,C or 17A,B,C or 21A,B,C
Chemistry 2A,B,C
Biological Sciences 1A or 1B or 1C OR
Biological Sciences 2A or 2B or 2C
(Series completion highly recommended)

<p>Thus, focus on getting those 7 done along with your 2 English and 1 math for IGETC done asap. Those 10 classes are the ones to focus on.</p>

<p>OH! That makes things a whole lot more clear! Thank You!
So basically, I should follow IGETC to get the majority of my credits completed. Along with IGETC, I should add on the courses required for TAG (assist.com). Is that correct? </p>

<p>So for now, I should drop Bio-102 W/lab? All other Bio courses are filled. I just realized that for the 2011 TAGs, Bio 1A/B/C are no longer accepted. So I need Bio 2/A/B/C. This is molecular bio right? I’ll complete these series.
So far I got Sociology forsure. I’ll look through IGETC and enroll in whatever classes they require and those that are open. :slight_smile:
Correct me if any one of these is wrong of course! </p>

<p>Thanks so much for your help ONCE AGAIN! haha.</p>

<p>@ vikram: haha no problem, my friend! I’ll PM you back tomorrow btw; for now I need to write a bunch of psych notes. </p>

<p>“Along with IGETC, I should add on the courses required for TAG (assist.com). Is that correct?” Exactly! lol.</p>

<p>Yeah, you’re going to need the 2A/2B/2C series then, which is Molecular Bio. As for the bio class you’re in now for summer, you don’t have to drop it. If it’s UC-transferrable, then it can work toward IGETC/60 units. It won’t help for TAG though.</p>

<p>I would advise sticking in Sociology and trying to add something in the TAG bio, chem, or math sequence. If all those are filled, then try to add something else from IGETC (like a philosophy for Humanities for example). </p>

<p>Everything you said is perfect! :slight_smile: You got it, man! Best of luck!</p>