<p>No no! These are all great questions. Questions that I wish I had asked back when I was beginning. Ok so there’s two things you’re focusing on here:</p>
<p>TAG and transferring. </p>
<p>Transferring - You need 60 UC-transferrable units to transfer by the end of the spring b4 you begin at a UC in the fall. You mentioned that there may be only 5 or 6 classes you really need. With those classes, you may total about 20 units. That leaves 40 more for you to take IGETC classes. IGETC includes: 2 English courses, 1 math, 2 social sciences, 2 humanities, physical science, biological science + lab, and 2 years of foreign language. < can be done while in high school.</p>
<p>Let’s say you take BIOSC 130 at Diablo Valley. You’ll need this class btw. This will satisfy a requirement for TAG and part of IGETC (the biological science part). Thus, it works for both, and will count towards your 60 needed units. I recommend taking this class over summer.</p>
<p>Then, after that, you’ll want to follow in the sequence with BIOSC 131. Once you complete the 3 courses in the bio sequence, the 3 courses in the chem sequence, and 3 classes in the math sequence, you’re definitely good to TAG.</p>
<p>You don’t need to have all these courses done to transfer or get TAG. You just need 30 units and a good amount of them done. The science courses come in sequences, and what you don’t do at CCC, you’ll have to do at Davis. Once you hit 30 units with ( the bio sequence done, the chem sequence done, and math sequence done, you should be able to TAG. This totals 7 classes.</p>
<p>At least 1 bio, 3 chem, and 3 math. This is from assist.org:</p>
<p>Transfer students are strongly advised to complete as many preparatory courses
as possible for their major before enrolling at UC Davis. Preparing well for
the major helps students move efficiently toward graduation.</p>
<p>Transfer students MUST complete courses comparable to the following UC Davis
courses with a GPA of at least 2.5 for each of the three groups of courses.
Courses must be taken for a letter grade, with no grade less than “C”:</p>
<pre><code> Mathematics 16A,B,C or 17A,B,C or 21A,B,C
Chemistry 2A,B,C
Biological Sciences 1A or 1B or 1C OR
Biological Sciences 2A or 2B or 2C
(Series completion highly recommended)
<p>Thus, focus on getting those 7 done along with your 2 English and 1 math for IGETC done asap. Those 10 classes are the ones to focus on.</p>