UC TAG- Withdrawing from course?

I withdrew from a class this semester after submitting my TAG application. Do I have to inform them about this by including it in the additional comment section of the UC app? If I do, do I just write that I withdrew this semester, but I will be completing the class next semester?

Was it a TAG requirement?

@calara I would notify them of changes in your schedule regardless whether or not the class is a requirement. UCs do not like mismatches between the data and when they receive your transcript, they will definitely see that it differs. Don’t wait until they ask you about it, notify them on the app if you can. If you can’t, then send them an email to the address stated in your application confirmation. You will also have a chance to do an academic update (in January, I believe), where you can update your grades and make some changes to the application. You can then indicate that you withdrew from this class.

The admission guarantee is contingent on your completion of the courses you said you’d complete. Contact them with your plan to meet the requirement and you should be OK. If you let it ride, they will probably bounce you.